Trixie, Cleo, Golden Retriever, Sörsjön, Sweden, Vagnhärad, Sverige

A Golden’s Happy Moments – Trixie & Cleo at Sörsjön

It has been a few really hot days here in Vagnhärad and both dogs and kids look forward to a taking a cold bath. The water temperature in the lakes here has so far not reached high enough for me or Susann to swim. However, that didn’t stop the youngest member from playing in the water. Little A really enjoyed her time at Sörsjön this evening. She wasn’t the only one, as my parents’ two Golden Retrievers, Trixie and her pup Cleo, were also delighted at the prospect of cooling off in a lake.

Trixie & Cleo at Sörsjön

I have brought with me the camera to lake Sörsjön once in the past. That was prior to Cleo’s arrival in the family, so it was nice to return there today with two dogs that couldn’t wait to jump into the water.

If you want to find more photos of happy and playful Golden Retrievers, have a look at the links below.

And without further ado, let’s take a look at today’s photos. We will let you enjoy them in quiet without any further comments.

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