Orscholz, Aussichtspunkt Cloef, Saarschleife, Germany

Saarschleife, Germany – On the Road 2017: Day 15

After leaving Metz this morning we have had time to see a few things. First, we made one last stop in France at Malbrouck Castle and then we continued to enjoy the view at Saarschleife. This might have been a short stop, but the view is something that will stay with us.

Saarschleife: Two Ways to Enjoy the View

Saarschleife is a bend of the Saar river. The river actually turns 360 degrees and heads back in the same direction that it comes from, just leaving a small strip of land in between. Today we noticed that it is very popular among tourists. Let’s just say that we were not the only ones there.

The first way to enjoy the spectacular view is to head to the cliffs overlooking the river valley. Here it is possible to see most of the turn that the river makes. Only the closest parts are lost behind the trees. It is, however, one of the best places to take portrait photos.

The second option is to walk along the Baumwipfelpfad – a path along the tree tops leading to a tower overlooking the river. This is also the expensive option, but it does offer a better view. It costs 10 euros for an adult. The path is 1 250 meters long and the tower is 42 meters high. We were carrying Little A in a baby carrier, as we wished to be able to walk the whole distance. We were, however, happy to see that it would have been possible to walk with a pram as well.

Back to Little A. This time she was in a really good mood, letting us both enjoy the view as well as several of her smiles.

After Saarschleife we continued to one of our favorite towns so far on our trip. We will spend the night in Saarburg, before continuing north tomorrow.

Join us on the road through Europe here!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Sudhir Chauhan

    lovely photos….. and what a beautiful place……. thanks for sharing such a beautiful experience………

    1. Jesper

      Thank you to you too, we are happy that you like it 🙂

  2. Stella

    We’re headed that way at the end of this month so your blog is very useful right now. We’re starting in Perl-Nennig to visit the Roman villa there and then heading into the Mosel valley for two weeks. We may have to detour once we reach the French/German border.

    1. Jesper

      THe Mosel valley really is beautiful, you should not miss the town of Cochem if you are going there. We visited that town today and it is one of the nicest on our trip so far. I can really recommend taking a detour along the Saar river as well. You have the Saarschleife with a great view, but you also have the town of Saarburg and it is not far from the Mosel river. 🙂

    1. Jesper

      Homburg was something that we missed and didn’t know about, unfortunately. We will remember it in case we return on a new trip, thank you. 🙂

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