On the Road 2017, Saarburg, Germany

Saarburg, Germany – On the Road 2017: Day 11

Today we are on a day trip to Germany. We left Metz this morning with the destination Trier. On the road, we have made two stops; the first one in Schengen, and then the second stop in Saarburg. This second stop was a bit unplanned, as it was first yesterday evening that we found out about this town. When we saw the photos while searching for more information, we knew that we wanted to make it one of our stops. We are so happy we took the time to explore this delightful town next to the river Saar.

Saarburg: a Short Stop with a Lot of Sights

Saarburg is a small town with around 6 700 inhabitants. It became a town as early as the 13th century. One of the main sights, the castle, dates back to the 10th century and marks the beginning of Saarburg. Today this town is the only place in Germany with a production of bronze bells.

Our tour of Saarburg began at a parking lot close to the town hall. From there we continued along the stream Leukbach and found a beautiful spot that is called Little Venice. Basically, we are talking small bridges along the stream. A bit further down the stream, we found one of the nicest views that we have had so far this trip – a small waterfall with the stream finding its way down along the adjacent buildings.

From the Leukbach we continued towards the castle hill. The town sure is not flat, but we were lucky to be able to go quite far with the pram. There were cobblestones, of course, but it was OK. Actually, we made it far enough to get a great view out over the Saar river. Jesper then took the opportunity to climb the last stairs up to the castle itself, from where it was possible to see even further out over the river and wine yards.

We have now reached Trier and the adventure continues in what might be Germany’s oldest city.

Join us on the road through Europe here!

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