Visiting Athena, A Day in Piraeus, Greece, Πειραιάς , Attica

Piraeus, Greece – A Few Hours of Exploration

One of the highlights of staying abroad for a longer period of time is the fact that you get the chance to discover the place in a completely different way. For instance, we probably wouldn’t have gone to Piraeus, had we only come here for a few days.

The morning started just like most other mornings, with us trying to get a bit more of sleep. However, Jesper had a phone meeting fairly early, so we packed our stuff and went to a nearby café. You’d think that Greece is cheap, but our coffee and tea were more expensive than in Sweden, After Jesper’s meeting, we boarded the train that took us to Piraeus,

A Few Hours in Piraeus

The journey to our destination, and also the final stop on the line, took about twenty minutes. Piraeus is actually a town in its own right. It also has the biggest passenger port in Europe. First, we decided to check the ferry terminals and see what options we’d have for future trips. We found some good alternatives but made no final decisions. Personally, I’m suddenly feeling like a trip to Mykonos or Naxos. And I don’t even like boats.

It was soon obvious that we were near the port. There were some shady bars, beggars, and the crowd felt endless. But as it turned out, Piraeus was not that bad. Actually, I liked the atmosphere of having people going places. Maybe it reminded me of Istanbul for a while.

Time flies by when you are spending it in ticket offices and all of a sudden, we realized that it was time for lunch. We found a really cozy steakhouse where I had a delicious salad and Jesper enjoyed a huge burger. But I think Little A was the happiest one of us all. There was no children’s’ food on the menu, so they made a special dish just for her. Now, who would say no to boiled potatoes, carrots, and zucchini in huge quantities? She ate it all before she started flirting with the staff!

After a good lunch, we continued with some serious exercise – at the playground! We then continued our walk, just exploring the area. Piraeus is not the most beautiful of places, but it was cozy. And I’m happy we decided to spend a few hours there.

Stopping at Thissio

One of the stops between Piraeus and Kato Patissia is Thissio. A dear child has many names, and this district goes by the names Thissio, Thiseo, and Thission. To be honest, I don’t know what the difference is, or if there actually is any difference. The reason we wanted to make a stop here was simple; we wanted to explore the huge temple we had seen through the train window,

The temple was the Temple of Hephaestus and we did not enter it. One of these days, we will go watch the ruins. I really want to return to Thissio as well, the area seemed so lovely.  When walking there earlier today, I just wanted to sit down in one of the cafés, have a glass of wine and chat the evening away, Today we just wanted to return home after a long day in the sun. Instead, we headed home and had some strawberries and baklava for dinner.

Find all posts from our trip to Athens here >>

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