On the Road 2017, Marksburg Castle, Germany

Marksburg, Germany – On the Road 2017: Day 17

Only a 10 minutes drive from where we were staying last night, in Lahnstein, there is quite an impressive castle. Overlooking the town of Braubach is the Marksburg Castle, one of the very few castles along the Rhine river that was never destroyed.

Marksburg Castle: The Only One Remaining

There are so many castles along the Rhine River, that I would be surprised if anyone could tell us an exact number. However, the Marksburg Castle is unique among its neighbors. It is the only castle between Koblenz and Bingen am Rhein that has never been destroyed. Considering the number of castles and the history of the area, that is something that is impressive. Of course, the castle itself is quite impressive too.

Marksburg Castle: Driving Instead of Walking

During our road trip, we have been walking up the hills of many castles. For example in BielefeldNamur, and Cochem. Today we decided that we needed to save some time and get going north. So instead we drove all the way up to the Marksburg Castle. There are some unfortunate parts when you are driving to a castle. The first being that you are rarely getting a good photo possibility of the castle as a whole, with its surroundings. Secondly, what is the accomplishment?

There is no admission fee for entering the castle, only for the guided tour. This morning we really had a breakfast with a view. And Little A charmed all the American tourists who were visiting the castle at the same time as us.

For us, the visit of the Marksburg Castle marked an end of our endless views over the mighty rivers of south-west Germany. The Mosel, the Saar, and the Rhine will have to wait for us to return on a new visit. We enjoyed a last and very French breakfast in the area by eating a croissant each while overlooking the Rhine River.

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