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Sedan, France – On the Road 2017: Day 7

It is now one week into our journey and we are currently in France. I’ve never been here before, so it’s exciting! We drove south from Hasselt this morning and made a stop in Namur before lunchtime. We crossed the border into France a few hours later and soon arrived in the small town of Sedan in Ardennes. As we had seen photos of the castle, we decided to make a quick stop here as well. It looked really impressive on the photos, how was it in real life?

Sedan – A Rainy Story

Once we reached the outskirts of Sedan it had started to rain. The rain only got worse. As we parked our car outside the castle and were about to go out exploring, it was already pouring down and we also heard the thunder. So our stop was almost cut short. We were just a bit too eager to see the place than to let some rain stop us. That thought survived for about 10 minutes while we wandered around the main entrance. To keep our Little A warm and dry we then decided to go back to the car and rethink our options. It was, in the end, quite a short stop. Jesper took the opportunity to run around and have a look for a few more minutes while Little A and I opted to stay in the car.

The Château Fort de Sedan is an impressive structure dating back to the 15th century. The large towers overlook the river Meuse not too far from the thick castle walls. The Meuse is, for that matter, the same river that flows through Maastricht and Namur. The castle really is huge, and it is said to be the largest fortified medieval castle in Europe. All I can say is that it was an impressive sight.

We will spend the next two nights in Reims – the capital of the Champagne district. We are looking forward to exploring the city tomorrow. But at the moment, both of us are longing for a good night’s sleep. Good night everyone and see you in Reims tomorrow.

Join us on the road through Europe here!

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