On the Road 2017, Saarburg, Germany

Saarburg, Germany – On the Road 2017: Day 15

There are few places we return to, now we’re in one of them. We left Metz yesterday morning and returned to Saarburg yesterday in the afternoon. We visited the town earlier during our road trip and really liked it. During our visit, we also found out that there would be a wine fest this weekend – the Saarweinfest. So a few days ago we were looking for accommodation on Airbnb and changed our plan. Today we will continue north, but here is how we spent our evening yesterday.

Saarburg: Finding Somewhere to Eat Dinner

We usually tend to have some problems finding a place of our liking for dinner. The restaurants usually classify in one of the following categories for us. They are either too fancy, too expensive or they do not have any food of interest. Or maybe we are too picky, who knows.

Well, that also happened yesterday, as we walked around trying to find somewhere to eat. This time we had a fourth problem, to be able to bring Little A and her pram into the restaurant. Actually, there was also the fifth issue, we wanted to sit under a roof as we could see the rain clouds getting closer. Eventually, Susann said that she had had enough and we asked for a table at the restaurant we were standing next to.

We made sure to get a table that was protected from the rain and we had barely sat down before the sky opened and the rain started to pour. We then could witness all the other restaurant guests trying to find cover as their tables were only partly covered by the sunshades. For once we felt like we did a smart thing and asked for the correct table. Sadly we did not choose the correct restaurant as the waiters ignored us for an hour. So when the rain had stopped we left the restaurant. Instead, we ended up in a cozy Chinese restaurant not far away.

Saarburg: The Saarweinfest

We did actually not know what to expect of a wine fest in Germany. Neither did we know exactly where to go. Once we were done with our dinner, we headed back out trying to find the stands and all the people. It turned out that they were not close to where we had thought it would be. Luckily we found our way and could take a stroll around to feel the atmosphere.

There really was a lot of people and quite quickly we decided to walk back to our accommodation 15 minutes walk away. We still had to wash Little A for the night and we were both quite tired. We also did not know when they would start with the fireworks and did not want to risk being too close with Little A. However, the event seemed really nice. There were a lot of local wine producers and people were really enjoying themselves.

One day we would really like to return to the Saarweinfest and really make sure to participate. This time we were more bystanders trying to learn something about Germany and its wine. Saarburg really is a pretty town with its waterfall, hills, and old buildings. And sometimes the service also works. Like in the supermarket, where they offered us to try some of the wine we were looking at!

Join us on the road through Europe here!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Claudia

    Hallo ihr Zwei, schöne Berichte die ihr schreibt. Wir mögen auch die kleineren Orte von Deutschland sehr. In Saarburg waren wir auch schon. Liebe Grüße aus Düsseldorf Claudia.

    1. Jesper

      Vielen Dank Claudia 🙂

      Saarburg really was one of our favorites when driving through Germany, much nicer than Cochem (where there was just too many other tourists).

      How is Düsseldorf? The closest we have been to a visit was a few years back when we had to run through the airport during a short transfer on our way from Vienna. (It was during the migration crisis and border checks was introduced the same morning. We had to take the bus from the aircraft to the international terminal, then run through security and back to the EU terminal to get the plane next to the one we had just been on. Everything in a 30 min transit) 😀

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