Skarpnåtö Hembygdsgård, Sights on Åland

Skarpnåtö Hembygdsgård – Sights on Åland

Skarpnåtö Hembygdsgård is an old farmstead that was earlier known as Södergårds. The farmstead had its origins in the 18th century and is today the homestead museum of Skarpnåtö. The farmstead has also been a filming location. It was the Swedish-speaking Finnish TV series “Stormskärs Maja” that was filmed on the Åland Islands in 1976 and Södergårds was one of the main filming locations. It was the popularity of the farmstead that led to it being established as a homestead museum. The farmstead is today an open-air museum where you can walk around and explore on your own. Have a look at one of the traditional windmills or have a look inside the historical farmstead.

Find Your Way to Skarpnåtö Hembygdsgård

Skarpnåtö Hembygdsgård is in the municipality of Hammarland. Starting in Mariehamn you will have to continue west along Road 1 towards Eckerö. There will be signs just before reaching Hammarland Church that will guide you towards Skarpnåtö. It will let you know that there are 16 kilometers to drive before you arrive. Other places that you will pass by along this road are Postad and Sålis. You will find the farmstead along the main road that you will be arriving on.

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