Sjökvarteret, Mariehamn, Sights on Åland

Sjökvarteret – Sights on Åland

Sjökvarteret is a historical maritime neighborhood and today also a business district within the city of Mariehamn on the Åland Islands. Here you will find boat houses and fishing sheds that today have been turned into museums as well as to house smaller local businesses. This is also where the tradition of shipbuilding is maintained, being the birthplace of several impressive sailing ships. This is where the sailing yacht Alanta was built and the galeas Emelia is under construction. The most famous ship from here is, however, Albanus. This is a galeas that was launched here in 1988.


Sjökvarteret has a lot of hidden gems. Here you can find a small motor museum, but also a larger museum about the shipbuilding history. If you are lucky you might be able to see the ongoing construction of the galeas Emelia, one of the wooden sailing ships that has put Sjökvarteret on the map. Out on the water you might encounter the galeas Albanus, that has been sailing from here since the 1980s. You will probably also notice the local pyramid. These wooden pyramids are known as “båk” and are maritime navigation marks. There are also a few local businesses here, both in regards to small shops as well as a restaurant. The main attraction is, however, the maritime atmosphere with the old boathouses and small wooden boats along the waterfront.

Find Your Way

Sjökvarteret lies in the eastern part of the city of Mariehamn. Parking is available along the road Österleden, both right next to Sjökvarteret as well as across the road. This is a bit to the northeast of the city center, right next to the swimming center of Mariebad.

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