Marsaskala, Malta - Arrival and First Visit to the Playground

Marsaskala, Malta – Arrival and First Visit to the Playground

There is that special feeling when you return to a place abroad that you have visited before. That familiarity with the surrounding, knowing where to go, where to eat, and especially where to find the playgrounds. We had visited Marsaskala two times before this trip and visiting our friend here has been a nice way to escape the cold winter in Sweden. If so be it for only a week. So how to start a vacation in Malta? Going to the playground turned out to be a top priority for Little A.

You can read more about Malta and Marsaskala here:

Arrival in Malta

We left Sweden and the below-zero temperatures to arrive in Malta and temperatures that we associate with summer. Yes, the weather upon arrival was a bit unstable, with occasional rains. We were surprised at how fast the checked luggage arrived. That meant that we, soon after arrival, were awaiting the taxi that would take us the last kilometers to Marsaskala. Yes, it is very short distances on this island, but that doesn’t mean that the drives are short. They usually take quite some time.

Our First Evening in Marsaskala

We arrived at my friend’s apartment and did a little catching up. It was after all about a year since we last met. Little A did, however, want to head to the playground at once. She didn’t feel like waiting til the next morning. With that said, we convinced Little A to at least join us for dinner and then see if she still wanted to play. So off we went to a Thai restaurant next to Marsaskala Bay. I’m usually not too fond of Thai food, but this was a nice surprise. So, how did it go with the playground? Well, Little A got to have a look and see that the playground had not moved, it was still where it used to be. She did probably want to continue playing through the night, but it was a short visit. After an early morning and quite a long flight, at least Susann and I were quite tired by now. Another nice surprise this evening was the Christmas decorations that were lightning up the area around the bay.

Breakfast at the Playground

Little A would get some proper time in the playground, actually several times during the week. But our first full day in Marsaskala started in the playground. We even sat down for a quite late breakfast at the restaurant located within the fenced area that makes up the playground. That is one of the nice things about Marsaskala: the playground is very well protected and still possible to watch out over from the nearby restaurants. It was first after what would normally be lunchtime that we started to walk back to the apartment. Little A and Susann wanted to rest some and I took the possibility for new adventures that I will write more about soon.

Stay tuned to read more about our 2022 December Visit to Malta. Read more here >>

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