December 2022, Malta Highlights, Travel

Malta Highlights – December 2022

One more week in Malta came to an end and we are since a few weeks back in Sweden. This was our first time visiting Malta in December, a month that usually doesn’t include much traveling for us. We flew to Malta with Ryanair from Stockholm Arlanda Airport. This time we decided to travel lightly with only one check bag. We stayed at a friend’s place in Marsaskala for a week and could really enjoy a lot of what Malta had to offer the weeks before Christmas. So let us have a look at our Malta Highlights.

Our Malta Highlights

What were the highlights? There are many and our week really did include so many nice family moments.

The weather was really amazing for December. When traveling anywhere in Europe in December you usually cannot expect good weather. And it didn’t look promising when we arrived in a rainy and windy Malta. Fortunately, that changed. Eventually, we spent a week in the sunshine and quite high temperatures. This meant that Little A didn’t need her winter clothes and we could spend the time outdoors dressed as if it was summer in Sweden.

The playground at Marsaskala Bay. Yes, the weather is essential to enjoy the playgrounds. It was a real joy to see Little A play so freely at the playground with no winter clothes making it hard to run around. Just a little girl enjoying her time. As a parent, there is something special about seeing your kids this happy.

My hike from Blue Grotto to Dingli Cliffs. I have gone on several hikes in Malta, but nothing like this one. The scenery, the tranquility, and the sunshine turned it into one of my Malta highlights. It was a perfect day for a hike and to be able to reach a distance of 20 kilometers, was a nice feeling.

Christmas decorations around Malta. It is fascinating to see how a country can light up the weeks before Christmas. Malta was no exception, the lights were everywhere. Especially the Christmas market in Valletta was a nice experience with lights and decorations that we usually don’t see in Sweden.

Good food and company. This was the best aspect of the trip. Spending a week with the family, eating good food, and visiting an old friend. With those attributes to a trip, the destination does not really matter.

Malta in December 2022 – All Posts

Read all about our 2022 December Visit to Malta Here >>

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