On the Road 2017, Kolding, Denmark, Danmark

Kolding, Denmark – On the Road 2017: Day 20

This morning we woke up in Denmark, in the town of Kolding to be more precise. Just like yesterday, the sky was very gray this morning and we took our time to pack up our things. It was once more time to continue north, but not without going into the town itself to have a look first. A quick look as it turned out, as it was about to rain.

Kolding: Rain was Hanging in the Air

Kolding is a relatively small town on Jutland. There are an old castle and some old beautiful buildings in the city center.

We arrived in the center of the town slightly before lunchtime and started to look for something to eat. As you might know, this is not easy in a small Nordic town once you are somewhere in between of breakfast and lunch. Luckily, there was at least some cappuccino to be found. Our walk took us along the central streets of Kolding before we reached the Kolding Castle. The tower of the castle is visible from most of the city, resulting in that it is easy to find your way to it. The walk around the castle also gave us a great view over a beautiful lake and some swans along its banks.

Just like in Stade yesterday, we had to hurry back towards the car as the sky turned threateningly gray. The rain was about to start pouring and we did not want to end up wet once more. On the way back to the parking, we jumped into a grocery store to buy something to eat. That is what usually happens to us when we cannot decide what to eat for lunch.

Continuing North to Aalborg

The last two nights before we take the ferry back to Sweden will be spent in Aalborg. This is Denmark’s fourth largest city and there should be a lot to see. Hopefully, the weather gets better for tomorrow. Denmark has so far not greeted us with the sunshine we had hoped for. Luckily there are still plenty of smiles and nice people in this country.

Join us on the road through Europe here!

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