On the Road 2017, Goslar, Germany

Goslar, Germany – On the Road 2017: Day 17

This morning we left Lahnstein to continue north, back towards Sweden. We first made a short stop for breakfast at Marksburg Castle, then it was a long drive north towards our stop for the night – Quedlinburg. There are three towns in this area of Germany that we want to visit. These are Quedlinburg, Wernigerode, and Goslar. On our drive to Quedlinburg for the night, we passed both of the other two places and decided to make our first stop in the town of Goslar.

Goslar: UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Old Town in Goslar is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is what we were heading for. This town has for centuries been an important center for governments of Northern Germany. It has also been known as the “Rome of the North”, due to the many churches spires decorating the town.

What we wanted was to engulf ourselves in the atmosphere of an old German town. Goslar with its old architecture does have a lot to offer and it is really cozy to walk along the small streets. We did unfortunately not stay that long. We were satisfied with getting a rest from driving and at the same time enjoy the view. This is exactly the kind of buildings that have seen so many times on photos from Germany, but not have had the opportunity to enjoy in real life. Mostly there are a few buildings in a town built in this style, here there are whole streets of them.

The town itself seemed nice enough. The old town was rather small and an hour was more than enough for taking a look. There were many restaurants and cafés as well.

On our way from Goslar to Quedlinburg, we crossed what was once the Iron Curtain. These towns are 45 minutes drive from each other today. A few decades ago that distance must have felt so much longer. Especially for the soldiers stationed in the garrison here.

We have some time left here in Germany, then it’s time to explore Denmark.

Join us on the road through Europe here!

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