On the Road 2017, Hobro, Denmark, Viking Fortress, Fyrkat

Hobro, Denmark – On the Road 2017: Day 20

Today we have taken the chance to explore Denmark a little further! We left Kolding this morning and continued north towards Aalborg. We will spend two nights here before we’re back in Sweden. Our initial plan was to make a stop in Aarhus which is about halfway to Aalborg. The horrible weather changed our plans. The sky has been gray since the morning and we finally decided to drive to Aalborg without any stops on the way. That was, however, changed along the route when we saw a sign for a Viking fortress. So we turned off the highway and onto the road leading to the small town of Hobro.

Hobro: Fyrkat Viking Fortress

Outside of Hobro, there are the remains of a Viking fortress dating back to the year 980. It was towards this fortress that we were heading. After just a few kilometers we arrived at a reconstructed Viking village. It was less than an hour before they closed, it was raining and the entry cost was 75 DKK, so we decided not to enter and continued towards the fortress itself.

A while later, we found ourselves outside an old flour mill. So we started with admiring the old buildings before looking for the Fyrkat Viking fortress. To our disappointment, the fortress was off-limits unless you paid for the entry to the reconstructed Viking village. Instead of seeing the earth formation from the inside, we made sure to see it from the road. It might look small today, but it is possible to imagine how important these fortifications must have been.

Hobro: Another Stop Cut Short by Rain

Instead of continuing back to the highway, we headed to the town of Hobro. Here we finally found a place for lunch and enjoyed a short walk along the small streets. Sometimes you almost forget that you are no longer in Sweden, especially in these small Danish towns. The signs are possible to understand, even though they sound a bit funny due to the language differences.

The rain started again during our walk and we were soon back at our car to take cover. Instead of waiting it out, we decided to leave and continue towards Aalborg. Unfortunately, Hobro joined Kolding on the list of Danish towns that didn’t really get a possibility to impress us.

Join us on the road through Europe here!

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