Visiting Athena, Arriving in Greece

Athens, Greece – Arriving in Greece

There was a bit of tension in the air this morning. The feeling of new adventures is around the corner. This is something we really like about traveling, there is always something new to be excited about. We have just arrived and we now have four weeks to look forward to in the Greek capital Athens. Join us while we explore at least a small part of Greece.

Stockholm-Arlanda Airport

My brother drove us to Stockholm-Arlanda Airport this morning and dropped us off at terminal 5. We were a bit early, but our plan was to buy something to eat before checking in.

A hamburger for lunch later and we ran into our first problem. Stockholm-Arlanda airport is one of the few airports where you are not allowed to bring your own push-chair through security, meaning that you have to check it in together with your checked-in luggage. It being Saturday meant that more families instead of businessmen were traveling and the push-chairs available for borrowing were all taken. So, we had to carry Little A through security. Luckily we found a push chair at one of the gates.

Norwegian Flight DY4383 to Athens

Going to the gate at the mentioned time of boarding usually means that the boarding will soon start. For our flight that was the time when they let the passengers arriving from Barcelona exit the plane. So we were already a bit late. Luckily Little A found another infant that was just a few weeks older to have a serious discussion with.

Once boarded and seated we were getting an apology for the delayed flight from Barcelona, sadly we were also told that the radar system at the airport was down without any estimated time of solution. That was some news Little A was less happy about, especially since we had planned for her to sleep on the plane and how to sleep when we were standing still? She was making quite a fuzz about it for the half-hour or something it took before we for once got some good news – they were letting flights take off, but with a larger interval in between the planes. Once the engines started Little A fell asleep and slept most of the flight and we were just a bit more than an hour late.

We have been skeptical in regards to Norwegian due to past events. We are, however, happy that it turned out better this time.

Arriving in Athens

We arrived in Athens around 21:30 local time. At the airport, we were greeted by our host for the coming four weeks. We are renting an apartment from an old penfriend of Susann and her father was driving us from the airport to the apartment. Really nice as we were arriving quite late. We will tell you a bit more about the apartment in a later post. It is now time to get ourselves settled and to get Little A prepared for bed – it is getting late for her.

Find all posts from our trip to Athens here >>

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