Visiting Ahena, Taking it easy, Athens, Greece

Athens, Greece – Taking It Easy

Our fourth full day in Athens is coming to an end. Today we really have been taking it easy and we really needed it. Maybe because there was thunder in the air?

Still, we managed to walk over 10,000 steps and experienced a great deal of Greek hospitality. People seem to be genuinely interested and helpful here.

Taking It Easy in Athens

Today we took naps, ate well, read on the balcony, and went to some shops. In other words, we didn’t really do anything out of the ordinary and there’s nothing much to tell future generations about this day.

However, we explored the neighborhood a little further. It is a normal area, with a lot of apartments and small shops. It’s quite busy, too. Once in a while, you bump into a beautiful church.

After breakfast, we walked to the nearest playground so that Little A could play for a while. She really loves sitting in the swing. She also loves poking other children in the face and squeaking at them. No matter how surprised they look in regards to her outburst of joy Little A continued to try to communicate her way.  However, we soon noticed that it was time for her nap.

During our walk, Jesper found a hairdresser. He had talked about getting his hair cut, so this was the perfect opportunity. Actually, there are many hairdressers in the area. I’m hoping to get my hair done one of these days too, It’s been such a lazy day and we ate both lunch and dinner out. That’s maybe one of the nicest things here, life is quite straightforward. You can pop in at the hairdresser’s and they’ll cut your hair right away. You don’t have to book an appointment many weeks in advance. At the restaurant, people are really friendly and make you feel welcome. And the food is good, of course. We’re probably overdosing on tzatziki right now.

We also managed to squeeze in a trip to the mall. I think the three of us needed a day of taking it easy. Tomorrow we will be ready for some serious sightseeing again!

Athens So Far

After four full days, I feel that I can make some sort of a summary of this place. It’s crowded, hot, and noisy. People are welcoming and helpful. They don’t speak a lot of English, but they do try. And hey, who am I to speak anyway, I can barely read the alphabet. The locals love children – most of them anyway. The only problem is finding ready food for Little A in the supermarket. And it’s sometimes impossible to cross the street, as the zebra is missing.

I’m also happy because this trip has widened my horizons, and also changed my perspective in a number of ways. When you live in a place like Stockholm, you take a lot of things for granted.

Now, it’s time to crawl into bed.

Find all posts from our trip to Athens here >>

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