On the Road 2017, Wernigerode, Germany, deutschland

Wernigerode, Germany – On the Road 2017: Day 18

On day 18 of our road trip, we continued on our way back towards Sweden today after our stop last night in Quedlinburg. Our destination for the day was Stade in northern Germany and that is where we now are spending the night. On our way here we made one stop quite close to Quedlinburg, in the town of Wernigerode. That was the third and last of the three towns in the region that were on our wishlist. Goslar and Quedlinburg have already been ticked off our list. We really enjoyed all three towns.

Wernigerode: A Sunny Day

The town of Wernigerode is located along the German Timber-Frame Road and it is these timber-framed buildings that characterize the town. It was these buildings that we made sure to admire during our walk. There are several similarities between Wernigerode and its neighbors Goslar and Quedlinburg, especially when it comes to the architecture. One thing is for sure, walking really is the best way to enjoy this town. It was also quite surprising to see the number of tourists here; both Goslar and Quedlinburg felt much calmer in comparison.

Wernigerode: Climbing a New Hill

After a short lunch stop, we decided to head up towards the castle. The Wernigerode Castle, or Schloss Wernigerode, is located on top of a hill in the Harz Mountains. This is far from the only time during our trip that we climbed a hill to a castle with Little A in a pram. We did it in Bielefeld, in Namur, and in Vianden – to mention a few.

This hill was, however, one of the hardest. It was both steep and fairly longer than most of the others. Maybe Vianden would be able to compete for being toughest. But the tougher the climb, the greater the reward. The view from the castle was amazing and we were able to enjoy it, knowing that we didn’t take the car up there.

Tomorrow we will explore the Hanseatic town of Stade before continuing north to Denmark. There is a historical connection between Stade and Sweden that will be interesting to explore. The town was actually Swedish for a few decades in the 17th and 18th century. Now it’s time to get some rest, though.

Join us on the road through Europe here!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sudhir Chauhan

    beautiful pictures as usual… you have captured every aspect beautifully…….

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