Archaeological Museum, Ancient Corinth, Greece

Archaeological Museum – Ancient Corinth, Greece

The ancient sites with all their ruins are scattered all around Greece, but there are a few of them that probably were more important than others. Ancient Corinth is at the Isthmus of Corinth, the isthmus that connects the Peloponnese peninsula with the rest of mainland Greece. Once you see the landscape, it is not difficult to imagine how important this area once must have been. The Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth gives a good introduction to the history of the area. It is also a good starting point that also offers a view of the Temple of Apollo.

What You Should Know About the Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth

There are remains of a number of different buildings within the walls of the Archaeological Museum. The most prominent of these are the Archaic Temple of Apollo, the Octavia, the Peirene Fountain and the Glauke Fountain. There are also several other buildings, such as houses and baths. A big part of the buildings is of ancient Greek or Roman origin.

The Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth is actually split into two parts. The first being the museum itself that houses several artifacts from the area. Secondly, there is the archeological site, with all the remains of buildings.

Visit the Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth (As of May 2018)

The entrance to the Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth is close to the tourist streets of the village. Tickets cost 8 euros and further information about the museum and its opening hours can be found at its homepage.

Visiting the Archaeological Museum with a Toddler

In comparison with Acrocorinth, it is much easier to navigate the Archeological Museum of Ancient Corinth with a stroller. Having a toddler with you for your visit should not pose any problems. The only place where we found an obstacle was at the exit, where there was first a stair to get down in the valley and then one to get back up again to the exit gates. Other than those obstacles that required us to lift the stroller, it was easy to walk around. It might, however, not be a site where you will let your kid run free.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. I always love to visit the ruins. It gives me sensation that I can’t describe by words. While walking through the alleys, I love to imagine how people lived in those eras, how they interacted each other. Market is always being my favorite place, since I imagined people coming from everywhere to trade and share the news..

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