Torget, Mariehamn, Sights on Åland

Torget, Mariehamn – Sights on Åland

Torget is in many ways the central point of Mariehamn, the main city of the Åland Islands. This is the main square of the city, with places such as the town hall and parliament building Självstyrelsegården as neighbors. The square marks the beginning (or the end) of the commercial street Torggatan. On normal days this is where you will find statues such as that of Julius Sundblom and monuments of the island’s naval history in the form of the Ledskäret’s Fog Bell,

Torget also acts as the local market square during specific times of the week. The regular market stands are on a few occasions each year replaced by larger events. This is one of the locations where Åland’s Autonomy Day is celebrated on the 9th of June each year. The square and its scene are also used for larger events, such as the music festival Rockoff which has been arranged in Mariehamn since 1997.

Find Your Way

Torget might be one of the easier sites to find in Mariehamn. This is the main square, the natural meeting point in the town. It can be found where the green path of Esplanaden meets the commercial streets of Torggatan. Right next to the Town Hall and the park Stadshusbacken.

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