Skopje, North Macedonia, Time to Say Goodbye

Skopje, North Macedonia – Time to Say Goodbye?

Our tri-city adventure to Sofia, Skopje, and Gothenburg was about to enter its last stage. But first, we still had a few hours to enjoy the sunshine in the capital of North Macedonia. Little A wished for ice cream and later a hamburger for lunch. The hamburger was at this time already planned for the airport. Now, would it be possible to find an early morning ice cream?

Enjoying the Last Hours in Skopje

When looking out from the balcony in the morning, we were greeted by a city returning to life after the night. People were drinking coffee at the cafés, walking between appointments, and some seemed to just enjoy the sunshine. I ran down to a café to get some croissants for the three of us for breakfast, as well as coffee for Susann, while my two girls got dressed.

It didn’t take long before we walked across Macedonia Square on our way towards the Old Baazar. We had found several ice cream stands there the day before and hoped that we would be lucky that they opened early. That was sadly not the case, it looked like they were opening up, but when we asked the ice cream was far from ready. So we just had to walk back across the river and find a small shop where we could buy pre-packaged ice cream for Little A. That was about what we had time for before it was time to get our bags from the apartment and head towards the bus stop. Yes, we took the airport bus from the center. Something that is both cheap and convenient. Especially since there is no need to hassle with the quite aggressive taxi drivers.

The Adventure Continues in Sweden

We had a few hours at the airport before our flight back to Sweden. Well, not really back towards Stockholm, but rather to the western coast and the city of Gothenburg. We still had the third city of our autumn break adventure to explore. Yes, I had been twice to Gothenburg with work during the year, but it was several years since Susann had been in the city and Little A had never been. So a new colder adventure was awaiting us.

But there were a few things to do before boarding our flight. The first was to be notified at the airport’s Burger King that they had no beef, only chicken. During our visit in the summer, they had beef but no soda. So, it seems to be a gamble with something missing each time. Luckily Little A was still satisfied with what she got and we could relax for a while. This might have been good considering that we soon boarded our Wizz Air flight in the warm sunshine and disembarked in Gothenburg with cold chilling winds. The summer feeling of our adventure would not join us for the last part, that was for sure.

Join us when we explore Sofia, Skopje, and Gothenburg here: Autumn Holidays 2023

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