Skopje, North Macedonia, We are Back

Skopje, North Macedonia – We Are Back!

Our autumn break adventure had taken us from Sofia to the Macedonian capital Skopje. This tre-city adventure still had some sunshine to offer and a feeling of summer. For Susann and I, this trip meant a return to Skopje after our visit during the summer. While for Little A, this did instead mark a new city and country number 25. Susann and I did try to explore the city during our summer visit, but it was just way too hot to enjoy it. We were now back to give the city a possibility to revenge itself from the summer.

Ice Cream and Shopping in Skopje

Our adventure did, however, not include much exploring in the end. Little A wanted three things for the day. Ice cream, shopping, and playgrounds. Luckily it is easy to find some ice cream. We only had to walk across Macedonia Square, across the old stone bridge, and get into the Old Baazar and we had plenty of options. An ice cream later and Little A was partly satisfied. At least she was content enough to join us on our walk along the river. We had set our sight on the Shopping Center Vero, where Susann had identified earlier that there was a Jumbo store. A small lunch for Little A and we entered this Greek shopping madness. Even more madness as we did not have much space left in our luggage. Well, at least the two girls were happy and we were able to find some small gifts for the upcoming Christmas.

After finally being able to get Susann and Little A to leave the store we headed back to the apartment. This time, we walked along the northern banks of the river. We had a little bit of shopping to drop off in the apartment before finding something for an early dinner.

Our hunt for a dinner restaurant took us back across the Vardar River and through the Old Baazar. There are plenty of restaurants in this part of Skopje, but we didn’t find any place that we found cozy. Instead, we ended up in a touristy restaurant in an old house. Well, we did recognize the place for our visit to Skopje in 2014. Little A had started to get tired by now, so it was a very good time to sit down for some food. As we were leaving for Gothenburg the next day, it was also nice to try some more of the local dishes. Well, some more meat for Little A and me.

A New Evening Stroll in Skopje

The traveling and long walks had taken their toll on Little A and she wanted to rest quite early as we got back to the apartment after our dinner. So while she and Susann wanted to sit down and relax, I headed out for one more evening walk. It was a walk that took me along the river to one of the larger shopping centers, the East Gate Mall. Not for shopping, I just wanted to know if anything was interesting there. I was soon on my way back to the center where I was going to visit the Jumbo store once more. We wanted to have a few more small gifts for Little A’s advent calendar. Afterward, it was just a short walk back to the apartment. Yes, I was also quite tired by now.

Join us when we explore Sofia, Skopje, and Gothenburg here: Autumn Holidays 2023

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