Madeira, 2018, Portugal

Stuck in Garajau – Madeira, Day 5

Traveling is not always a dance on roses. Sometimes you actually get sick. That is exactly what has happened to me. I spent the night with a fever and a nasty headache and have used the day to rest. Maybe it’s good for all of us to have some rest after a few days of traveling around the island. It doesn’t seem to have bothered Susann and little A to be stuck in Garajau for the day.

A Day Stuck in Garajau

Luckily I’m feeling a lot better now and we are looking forward to our last full day here on Madeira tomorrow. Well, it is actually quite sad to think that we will soon be back in Sweden with all the snowstorms. However, the truth is that there is some charm to those storms as well.

Being stuck in Garajau for a day is, of course, nothing negative. It is just quite frustrating when you hope to explore as much as possible during a week’s stay. We still have a few places that we hope to be able to see tomorrow.

  • Jardim Botânico da Madeira, the botanical garden
  • Pico do Arieiro, the third highest peak
  • Ponta Do Sol, a village on the southern coast
  • Câmara de Lobos, the second town of Madeira

So we keep our fingers crossed that I will feel even better tomorrow and that we can continue exploring this emerald island.

The Day for Susann and Little A?

It has probably been the warmest day so far today. The sun has been shining and the wind has really calmed down. Like me, Susann and Little A have been resting for most of the day. Little A is still trying to get rid of her cold that got worse again once we came down here. Susann took the chance to read and just relax today,

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kusin Niclas

    Krya! Här är det också sjukt… :-0

    1. Jesper

      Inte alls kul, men förhoppningsvis går det över fort. 🙂

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