On the Road 2017, Munsbach, Luxembourg

Munsbach, Luxembourg – On the Road 2017: Day 11

After visiting Trier, we made one short stop. Basically, we were on the highway and she told us (quite convincingly, I must say) that we wanted food. Preferably right away. We had just left Trier, and there was a long way to go before arriving in Metz. So what to do? Well, we left the highway and stopped in a village not far from Luxembourg City. Munsbach was the name of the place and it was actually quite cozy.

Munsbach: a Short While for Exploring

The map told us that there’d be a castle. And that’s about all that there was to see in terms of sightseeing. According to Wikipedia, this village has little over 600 inhabitants, so you can imagine its size. However, as you can see in the photos, the nature was very beautiful.

Let’s return to the castle for a moment, shall we? I can’t really say that we’re experts on Luxembourg. However, it seems like many castles are quite alike. The one in Munsbach is a residence in Baroque style. It’s from 1775. These days it belongs to the Institut Universitaire International Luxembourg which provides educational courses.

After Munsbach, we actually made one more stop before returning to Metz. Stay tuned to find out where we stopped and what we did. We really did see and do lots yesterday, so today we are recovering. And writing our stories about it.

Join us on the road through Europe here!

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