The Åland Pancake, Ålandspankaka

The Åland Pancake – a Culinary Classic

Hello! Today we’re sharing a great recipe for a hearty dessert or a sweet meal. The Åland Pancake is a culinary classic with its home on the Åland Islands. Almost all restaurants and cafés there serve this treat. I think that most tourists try the pancake during their visit. Locals make it at home and it is also a staple dish at all types of events, from running competitions to midsummer celebrations. Now, you don’t have to go all the way to the islands in order to enjoy a delicious slice of this pancake. The secret ingredient is cardamom and you don’t need to be a genius to succeed. All you need is an oven and some spare time on your hands. Some people like it with stewed prunes. I, personally, prefer raspberry jam.

We decided to make Åland pancake on a particularly cloudy and gray Sunday evening. It was a nice and comforting dinner! We used this recipe when making the pancake. Please observe that the recipe is in Swedish and the units are from the metric system. It took me about an hour and a half to make it. Now, enough talk! Let’s start, shall we? It’s time to get the ingredients, turn on the oven, and treat yourself to a delicious piece of Åland pancake.

Åland Pancake: Ingredients

1 liter whole milk
1 dl pudding rice or 1.5 dl semolina
3 eggs
½ – 1 dl sugar (I used ½ dl)
½ teaspoon of salt

1 dl wheat flour

2 teaspoons cardamom
50 g butter or margarine

Whipped cream and raspberry jam to serve

Åland Pancake: This Is How You Make It

Cook the milk and the pudding rice (or semolina) to a smooth porridge. Let it cool off. Whisk eggs and sugar, then add the mixture into the porridge. Add the flour, salt, and cardamom. Add more milk if the batter seems too thick. Pour the batter into a greased baking dish. Add bits of butter on top of the pancake. Bake at 200 ° C for 40-60 minutes.
Serve with jam or prunes, and whipped cream.


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