Summer on Åland

Looking Forward to a Summer on Åland

Soon it’s time to say goodbye April! But guess what, it’s been snowing quite a bit this week. I thought I’d cheer myself up with a list of things I want to do this summer on Åland. One of my (few) plans for this summer is to spend quite some time on this small island between Finland and Sweden. I hope that Jesper will join me there as well.

Here you go, my list of the thing I want to do on Åland this summer.

Summer on Åland: Celebrating Midsummer

Midsummer is one of the greatest traditions here in the Nordic countries. In the past few years, we have celebrated it at my parents’ summer cottage by the sea with my family as well as Jesper’s parents. It’s a time when the Finnish and Swedish flags are flapping in the wind. We usually have a barbecue, enjoy the sauna, and the brave ones will have a swim in the cold Baltic Sea. The funny thing about the cottage is that there is no running water nor electricity, so it really is back to basics. It is the perfect place for relaxing, as well. Complete silence, sunny red rocks, and a good book – what else do you need?

Åland, Midsummer 2016, Lemland
Åland, Midsummer 2016
Åland, Midsummer 2016

Summer on Åland: Being Active

We have written about Ramsholmen before – it’s a beautiful nature reserve which is the perfect place for taking a walk with the dog or having a picnic. This summer I would also like to try kayaking. I also have this random fantasy of doing yoga on the red rocks in the midnight sun. I keep talking about red rocks. Let me explain, one of the main characteristics of the islands is the red granite with quartz crystals. That means that a lot of the rocks (and the road) are red.

Another type of activity that I’d like to try is photography.

Yet another great summer activity is picking mushrooms and berries in the forest. There is plenty at our cottage. However, according to the legal right of access to private land, you may pick berries and mushrooms for your own consumption elsewhere as well.

Going to an Event Or Two

If I’m to be really honest, I have rarely attended any of the events that take place in summer on Åland. However, July offers plenty of them. A couple of interesting events in July are the Viking Market and the Åland Sea Days. There is also Rockoff, a music festival that takes place in central Mariehamn.

Friends, Food & Family

Most of all, I’m looking forward to spending time with family and friends. Hopefully, there will be time to enjoy some good food, too. Here’s a summary of the things I want to do:

  1. Go for a picnic to Ramsholmen
  2. Swim in the Baltic Sea
  3. Do yoga on the rocks
  4. Take a lot of photos
  5. Visit the library
  6. Learn something new about the islands
  7. Sit up late and just talk with family and friends while the sun is setting at midnight
  8. Kayaking
  9. Take long walks
  10. Go to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms

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