Week 4 – This Week We Talked About…

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:2024-01-16
  • Post category:English / Thoughts
  • Post comments:1 Comment

Week 4 is ending and it is time for us to say – Hello February!

This month we have been 3 + 1 countries: Slovakia, Austria, and Sweden. And Susann paid a quick visit to the Åland Islands. The month started very nicely in Central Europe. We are looking forward to more travelling this spring! And let’s not mention how much we miss the spring!

Our  blogging this week very much focused on travel.

The St. Martin’s Cathedral in Bratislava is a sight you will not miss if you visit the Slovak capital. It’s an impressive building, but it also has many fascinating stories to tell from the past.

We do spend quite a bit of our time in the Åland Islands and it is a place we would recommend for a summer trip. In week 4, we gave tips about some spots to see there: The Fortress of Bomarsund takes us back to the 19th century, whereas Ramsholmen gives you the chance to enjoy nature at its best.

January is a good time to dream back to sunshine and spring. This week we started a new series about our trip to South America. Click on the links to read part 1 and part 2.

Week 4 – Our Blogging Tips

In January we participated in a 30-day blogging challenge. Not only did we manage to write blog posts for thirty consecutive days, but the creator of this challenge gave us a lot of useful and inspirational tips on keywords, writing, traffic, images, and so on. Every morning there would be an inspirational and informative e-mail waiting in my inbox. These tips are also useful in my professional life. I (Susann) sometimes find it difficult to blog each and every day. There’s always the question of time. After all, I work full time and try to squeeze in the gym, cooking, and all other kinds of things into my life. However, I do think it’s fun and I definitely like to keep on blogging. Fortunately, Jesper and I make a good team, and keeping this blog is something of a common project for the two of us.

Read more about the challenge and find inspiration here >> 

We wish you a fabulous February!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Nurul Lubis

    Please keep writing and updating us. Can’t wait to read your stories in South America. ..

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