Visiting Athena, Zeus comes with Thunder

Athens, Greece – Zeus Comes with Thunder

As we are in the land of ancient gods, it would be strange if we didn’t mention Athena or Zeus even once. Today thunder and rain changed our plans here in Athens, and so Zeus – the sky and thunder god paid us a visit. Initially, we wanted to climb the Acropolis today, but instead, we slept late, stumbled upon a farmer’s market, and did some shopping.

In the City of Athena, with Zeus Coming for a Visit

We have not made it to the Acropolis yet. Today was going to be the day. However, the weather forecast promised thunder and rain, so we decided to sleep late instead. I don’t think I have slept this much in a very long time. In other words, it’s a holiday at its best.

Laiki Agora in Kato Patissia

A nice surprise greeted us at the metro station this morning. We noticed various stalls and couldn’t help taking a look. These markets are called Laiki Agora and they take place in different parts of the city on different weekdays. Apparently, the market in Kato Patissia is on Thursdays. Most of the stalls sold fruits, vegetables, fish, herbs, and some other types of food. The price was really good, too. We bought some tomatoes, apricots, bananas (not very Greek!), strawberries, and potatoes. In hindsight, we regret not getting more fresh food. Everything looked so fresh and tasty! On our way to the metro after lunch, we walked through the market and noticed that the prices were even lower than before lunch.

If you want to read more about the farmer’s markets in Athens, this is a good place to start.

Thunder Surprises Us in Plaka

As you know, the city of Athena is one of the oldest cities in the world. And in this city,  Plaka is said to be the neighborhood of the gods. Located between Syntagma and Monastiraki, it’s a really charming area with a lot of narrow streets, picturesque houses, and tavernas. Everything is near, including the Acropolis. The area is crowded with tourist shops. We were enjoying a relaxed stroll in Plaka when the weather forecast came true and Zeus started knocking on the door. Quickly, we looked for a place where we could have something to drink. Fortunately, we were in the right place.

The thunder and rain took a while to pass. Once the sun showed up again, we continued our walk to the main shopping street in Athens – Ermou. Here I bought a bathing suit and started to dream about all the things I’d buy tomorrow (it’s payday). I will probably end up buying nothing because I don’t really need anything – but a girl can always dream.

After the shopping, it was time to board a crowded train and head back home. We bought some skewers on the way and had a tasty dinner. We asked for skewers, but when we opened the box we did not only find skewers, but also french fries and pita bread.

Once back home, the thunder started again. One of the things I have been thinking about today is this whole being abroad thing. 95% of the time it’s like being home. But it is that 5 % that make it worthwhile.

Find all posts from our trip to Athens here >>

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