summer bucket list, planning, journal

Summer Bucket List: 20 Things You Should Not Miss

I really love planning and now it’s time to create a summer bucket list. Better late than never, I think. In this blog post, I will share my summer bucket list, as well as write a few words about bullet journaling – my new hobby. I hope this post will inspire you to some sweet, sweet planning as well.

Sweet, Sweet Planning: My Summer Bucket List

  1. At the end of the summer, I’d love to go some place warm. We have talked about Montenegro and Malta. Or how about Sicily or a Greek island? That would be a dream come true. I wanna play tourist and lie on the beach and eat plenty of delicious food.
  2. Summer equals delicious ice-cream in the sun. And the best ice-cream comes in cup and tastes of mango, licorice or maybe even pear.
  3. My inlaws often have barbecues in their backyard. That’s one of the highlights on my summer bucket list.
  4. The Baltic Sea may be cold, but I absolutely love taking a midnight swim after warming up in the sauna first.
  5. Skansen is a must in summer. The goats there are absolutely adorable, and I can’t wait for little A to see them.
  6. Jesper keeps talking about Vaxholm and I’m quite embarrassed to admit that I have never been to this fortress. We must mend this mistake this summer.
  7. Lunch with friends and colleagues is kind of obvious. Preferably on a roof terrace somewhere in central Stockholm while the sun is shining.
  8. Summer is very much a feeling. For me, that feeling includes walking barefoot and diving into the sea. It is also about enjoying the silence.
  9. Yoga on the rocks.
  10. Long walks. We have some good trails near our home. Also, we are planning to spend quite some time in the countryside, perfect for taking long walks.
  11. Picking berries and mushrooms. Yum.
  12. Picnics (in plural) in the park.
  13. Good books. The reading challenge continues and one book that I plan to read is Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft.
  14. A trip in the archipelago. We are lucky to have three archipelagos to choose from. It would be such a shame not to spend time in any of them.
  15. Bratislava! It’s been too long since the last time. I want to go to Bratislava and enjoy its very special atmosphere. And while we’re at it, why not visit other places in Slovakia as well?
  16. Writing and talking long into the night – while it’s still light outside!
  17. Boat ride and kayaking. Again, summer is about enjoying the proximity to water. And what better way to enjoy it than by boat?
  18. Trying out new recipes. I haven’t cooked much lately, but now I feel the inspiration coming back.
  19. Celebrate midsummer!
  20. Visit Trosa. Among runestones and trees, you find this quaint little town that is absolutely lovely in the summer. We have family there, which is the best reason to visit. However, I’m also hoping that we will participate in Trosa Stadslopp, in one way or another.

Summer Planning: My Journal

Are you familiar with the concept of bullet journaling? This organization system was invented by Ryder Caroll and it has taken the world by storm. Get acquainted with the system here! I personally like its flexibility and the fact that I can be creative on my own terms. Creativity for me means a lot of colors and plenty of words. I can’t draw for my life. Because you only need a good old notebook and some ideas, there are endless options for creating a journal that looks just like you.

There are several things you can put in your bullet journal, including tasks, events, notes, and habit trackers. I’m personally really into trackers and lists. Below I share my spreads for summer 2017. As you can see, I have also added my summer bucket list. This summer I’m also using a habit tracker in order to ensure that the plants get enough water and to see how many days I manage to spend no money at all. Furthermore, there is also a gratitude log. In addition to the other spreads, I have also made one of my favorites – the strengths bingo. The point here is to color each box once I have accomplished it, each box stands for something that I think will improve my skills.

bujo, bullet journal bujo, bullet journal, summer bucket list bujo, bullet journal, habit tracker bujo, bullet journal, summer strengths bingo bujo, bullet journal, summer strengths bingo bujo, bullet journal

Share with us – what’s on your summer bucket list for 2017?

Finally, are you looking for more inspiration for the summer? We have previously posted our tips for a summer on the Åland Islands. Read them here >>


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