Furusund, Uppland, Exploring Sweden

Furusund, Uppland – Exploring Sweden

Summers of the past usually saw many well-known Swedish writers and artists heading to the seaside resort at Furusund. This island, to the northeast of Stockholm, lies in an area known as Roslagen. Its population is still small, with just around 130 inhabitants. But as in the past, the numbers still increase many times over during the summer months. There are many people who follow in the path of writers such as Astrid Lindgren, August Strindberg, and Evert Taube.

A Short History of Furusund

Furusund was for centuries known by seafarers as a natural harbor for ships on the way to the Åland Islands. A real harbor was probably built here during the 17th century – together with a tavern. The nobleman Carl Bonde af Björnö moved his manor here in 1694. However, the Russians burned down Furusund in 1719 during the Russian Pillage of the Swedish coast.

The harbor and tavern were soon restored and even the manor house was rebuilt a few years later. Furusund has since been home to a customs station, a quarantine hospital, and an optical telegraph. That was before Furusund followed in the path of Norrtälje and became a seaside resort.

The era as a resort town would come to an end with the start of the First World War. The following decades saw many of the historical buildings lost in fires. Famous visitors did, however, continue to visit the area during the summer months. The most well-known is probably the writer Astrid Lindgren. For many summers, the only means of transport connecting Furusund with Stockholm were ships. It would take until 1953 before the island received its road connection with the mainland.

Things to Do and See

Nature paths and possible locations for swimming are never far away, which is one of the charms of this small island. Eating ice cream at the marina or just enjoying a picnic at Ålandsberget, there are plenty of ways to dream back to the times when great writers enjoyed this view. A view that many times a day also includes the large ferries arriving and departing from Stockholm on their journeys across the Baltic Sea to Finland, Estonia, and Latvia.

Kvarnen – The Windmill

The windmill is believed to date back to 1722. Its long history even includes a period housing a phrenology museum. Phrenology is a pseudoscience about predicting mental traits by measuring bumps on the human skull.

Tullhuset – The Customs House

The customs house was completed in 1812 and was for a long time home of a larger unit consisting of up to 15 customs officers. The building is today housing Furusunds Värdshus, the local inn.

Romanov – The Oldest Building

The oldest building in Furusund is known as Romanov. It is a large red house dating back to the 1720s.

Kompassrosen – The Compass Rose Rock Carving

A rock carving can be found close to the marina in Furusund. It is a Compass Rose, a way to display the orientation. It is the oldest of its kind in the Nordics and dates back to 1463.

Kungaristningen – The King’s Rock Carving

King Fredrik I visited Furusund in 1724 and left his marking in the rock. The carving is simple and reads “Kong Frederik 1724”.

Ålandsberget – The Åland Mountain

Well, a mountain might usually be considered to be higher, but Ålandsberget does offer a great view of the sea. This rockface towards the water is popular both as a viewpoint but also as a picnic spot.

How to Get to Furusund

  • Flights: The closest major airport is Stockholm-Arlanda Airport, 75 kilometers away with both domestic and international flights.
  • Car: Furusund is located at the end of Road 278, a short drive from Norrtälje.
  • Bus: Local and regional SL buses connect Furusund with the surrounding region.
  • Train: There is no nearby train station.

The driving distance from 5 major Swedish cities, according to Google Maps:

  • Stockholm – 94 kilometers (1 h 13 min)
  • Gothenburg – 558 kilometers (6 h 11 min)
  • Malmö – 702 kilometers (7 h 34 min)
  • Linköping – 289 kilometers (3 h 13 min)
  • Kiruna – 1260 kilometers (14 h 34 min)

Find out more about other destinations in Sweden by visiting our page Exploring Sweden

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