Picking Strawberries at Hillsta, Västerljung, Sweden

Hillsta, Västerljung – Picking Strawberries in the Sun

We are finally on vacation, so we’ll be away from the keyboard for three weeks, the first of which has been spent along the western coast of Sweden (we will write more about that later). We are now back at my parents’ in Vagnhärad to refuel before heading over to the Åland Islands. The sun has been shining today and it is really warm here in Sweden. So, what better way to refuel on energy than to pick strawberries? We made sure to head to Hillsta, a farm shop in Västerljung, to pick a few liters to enjoy in the sun.

Hillsta Farm Shop

We have earlier written about Hillsta and other visits. You can find the last post here:

Hillsta is a family business that has been around since 1954. In its small farm shop, it is possible to find different types of vegetables, all depending on the season. A few selected markets in the region sell their products as well, but it is probably easier to find them in the small shop.

Picking Strawberries

During these warm summer days, it is, however, the strawberries that attract the most visitors. It is self-picking and in today’s heat, the activity was quite exhausting. The red berries were everywhere, even though Little A had decided that she couldn’t see any. Maybe it was too hot after all.

Well, with some help, Little A was able to fill her box with strawberries and once my mother joined us we were soon carrying six litres of berries back to the cars. It really makes eating tonight’s bowl of strawberries much more special, to know that we have picked them ourselves.

We have earlier during the summer purchased our strawberries at the grocery stores. But after the last time, when buying three liters only resulted in about one liter that was edible, the option to pick the berries ourselves seemed so much more worth the time.

Visiting Hillsta

Hillsta is located on the outskirts of Västerljung within easy reach from both Vagnhärad and Trosa.

Find out more at Hillsta’s homepage (in Swedish) >>

We have not written this post in collaboration with Hillsta. It is our way of showing appreciation of the nice activities available around us. Our connection with Hillsta is mainly based on family friendship, with my grandfather being a regular coffee visitor to the owner.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. faiz

    this is beautiful, i wish to be strawberry picker

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