Exploring Närke

Exploring Närke cannot be completed without a visit to the historical city of Örebro. But don’t forget the rest of the province. There is plenty to explore here in the central part of Sweden, right in the middle of the country’s grand lakes. Most of Sweden is within reach from here, but there is also a lot to explore locally. There are plenty of smaller towns and the many historical settlements hide their own small treasures. Within the forests there are old mining settlements to be found, along the fields of farmland there are ancient remains, and following the railway will take you to one of the larger train junctions in Sweden in Hallsberg.

About Närke

Närke is a province situated in the central part of the southern half of Sweden. In English, it is sometimes referred to as Nerike (archaic spelling of the province) and Nericia (the Latin name). The province is the home of around 205.000 inhabitants and is nowadays part of the counties of Örebro, Västmanland, and Södermanland.

Largest City: Örebro
Province Flower: “Gullviva”, cowslip (Primula veris)
Province Animal: Hazel Dormouse

Närke landskapsvapen

Places to Explore in Närke

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