Bergs Gård, Västerljung, Sweden, Christmas Walk, Ekhagens Naturstig

Bergs Gård, Västerljung – A Christmas Walk

It has been a different Christmas this year, I believe that most would agree. Covid-19 and the world situation have really changed what we consider to be normal. But there are some positive aspects as well. Here in Sweden, we can really see a big increase in people visiting the countryside, also during the darker half of the year. Visiting the farm Bergs Gård in Västerljung was one of our Christmas activities, for a Christmas walk on Boxing Day.

Bergs Gård

Bergs Gård is a farm located in Västerljung, close to the town of Trosa. This is in no sense the traditional way of farming anymore, but a growing concept of countryside activities alongside the farm work. Begs Gård today offers things like accommodation, dining, mountain bike routes, and hiking. So, as you might understand, people don’t only go here to view cows or perform the game of “kobingo”. Yes, that is a bingo where you guess which square the cow first will do her business.

For us, the visit included two parts, a walk along the nature path and a short stop in the for the day, supposed to be closed, farm shop. This is after all a family-run business, so once they saw a few families around, they opened up the small shop and my mother was able to buy some apple juice.

Ekhagens Naturstig

Ekhagens Naturstig is a nature path that is accessible to most. It is a path that even a wheelchair, pram, or stroller with some pushing help will be able to navigate. The total distance is around one kilometer and leads the visitor around the trees and small ponds at the edge of the forest.

For us, it meant that our Little A could get to run around. Because it was Christmas time, small Santas were hiding along the path and Little A loved to find all ten of them. Each had a letter making up a Swedish word associated with Christmas. We will refrain from telling you which word, in case any reader is about to visit.

Find out More?

You can find out more about the farm and its activities here >>

Another farm in the area is Hilsta, which we have written about earlier >>

We have not written this post in collaboration with Bergs Gård. This is our way of showing appreciation of the nice activities available around us.

This Post Has 5 Comments

    1. Jesper

      I cannot recommend you to find a cow and give it a try. It is actually quite time consuming and I guess that the thought of the game is more fun than the game itself. 🙂

  1. Jyothi

    Happy New Year 2021 to you all!

  2. Kobingo! Hilarious! I’ve never heard of that. The Ekhagens Naturstig nature path looks so beautiful, and I like the look of snow blowing across the pond. Glad you all got out and about and even found way to celebrate Christmas in this strange year. Happy New Year to you.

    1. Jesper

      I don’t know if kobingo is something Swedish or not, but the inventor must have had a quite interesting day. 😀

      It really was a beautiful day, considering the time of the year. Happy New Year to you too. 🙂

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