Visiting Athena, Kefalonia, Greece

Kefalonia, Greece – Saying Goodbye to the Turtles

Visting Kefalonia was definitely one of the absolute highlights during our trip to Greece, Our last day on the island was a calm one. The day before we had seen so much on our little road trip, so we thought it would be a good idea to relax. There were a couple of places in Argostoli that we still wanted to see as well.

Our Third Day on Kefalonia

We started the day with breakfast at the hotel before going to a bar by the water. As it was only noon, I decided to try an iced cappuccino. The coffee drinks in Greece are always so tempting! It was a warm day, and it felt great to just sit in the shade. However, it would be a pity not to do any kind of exploration while you are way, and so we started walking toward the tip of the peninsula. Our goal was to reach the Lighthouse of Saint Theodoroi. We passed the marina and enjoyed a typically Greek lunch on the way. I had some stuffed vegetables, and Little A helped me eating them. During our trip, she really liked trying different foods.

The Fanari road was very pleasant, running alongside the sea. We found some shade under the trees and there was a lot of colorful flowers. It was so calm as well, there were barely any cars on the road,

We didn’t make it all the way to the lighthouse. The heat got the better of us and at the sea mill at Katavothres, we decided to turn around and walk back to Argostoli. The spot was beautiful, though, so we stopped to take some photos. Actually, what we did not know then was that we were admiring a rather unusual geological phenomenon. I’m not even going to try to explain it. To make a long story short, the sea water travels upwards to the sea at the village of Karavomilos.

Back in Argostoli, we just relaxed and enjoyed the air conditioning in a café. From there, we headed to the bus station from where we caught a bus to the airport. It was time to say goodbye to the turtles of Kefalonia!

Flying Back to Athens from Kefalonia

We were at the airport really early. I don’t know if it was a good idea or not, as there was a lot of people. Two flights to England had been delayed and the airport is so small that it couldn’t really handle that amount of people. Little A made new friends at the airport, though. She wanted to walk, round and round and round.

Our flight was on time and it was really smooth. We had been a bit worried about getting back home from the airport, but we were lucky. We made it to the train from the airport to the center. I think the train that took us from the center to Kato Patissia was the last one for the evening.

Read more about our trip to Greece here: Visiting Athena >>

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