Vaksala, Uppland, Exploring Sweden

Vaksala, Uppland – Exploring Sweden

Vaksala is a former parish that today makes up some of the eastern parts of the city of Uppsala. Actually, it is almost like a village on the outskirt of the city. The village is a settlement that has developed around the parish church. There is also the church, and its 76-meter high tower, which is the most prominent building in the area and a building that is visible from far away. This is also a village of runestones.

In addition, Vaksala is also the name of the eastern district of Uppsala, which in itself does not include the village. The district is centered around Vaksala Square in an area known as Fålhagen.

A Short History of Vaksala

Vaksala Parish has its origins in the Middle Ages. It previously also included the districts of eastern Uppsala that are today known as Gränby, Salabake, Fyrislund, and Årsta. The parish church dates back to the 12th century and has been the center for the parish since then. In terms of administration, Vaksala Municipality replaced the parish in 1862 for civil matters and Vaksala Congregation for the church. In 1967, the municipality became a part of the city of Uppsala.

Things to Do and See

It is actually possible to walk around in Vaksala and completely forget that the large city of Uppsala is right next door. There is a countryside and small village feeling here and the many runestones give the area a historical touch.

Vaksala Church

It is the 76-meter high tower that is impressive with this old church. The church dates back to the 12th century and is without much competition the most prominent building in the area, with its tower visible from far away. It has seen several reconstructions over the centuries and a few of the occasions have damaged the internal paintings.


There are plenty of runestones in Vaksala, especially around the church. One of the more impressive ones is U 961. It stands next to the walking and cycling path that runs along the road Vaksalagatan. It is known as Vaksalastenen, the Vaksala Stone, and was raised in memory of Kättibjörn by his daughter Hylia and his wife Runfrid.

How to Get to Vaksala

  • Flights: The closest airport is Stockholm-Arlanda Airport (ARN), 37 kilometers away with both domestic and international flights.
  • Car: Vaksala is on the north-eastern outskirts of Uppsala along road 288 and right next to the E4.
  • Bus: Local and regional UL buses connect the area with the surrounding region.
  • Train: There is a train station in Uppsala.

The driving distance from 5 major Swedish cities, according to Google Maps:

  • Stockholm – 75 kilometers (56 min)
  • Gothenburg – 470 kilometers (5 h 42 min)
  • Malmö – 687 kilometers (7 h 16 min)
  • Linköping – 274 kilometers (3 h 2 min)
  • Kiruna – 1166 kilometers (13 h 35 min)

Find out more about other destinations in Sweden by visiting our page Exploring Sweden

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