Exploring Sweden, Smålandsstenar, Småland

Smålandsstenar, Småland – Exploring Sweden

A stone circle is all some people need to consider a place interesting. Smålandsstenar is one of those places where five stone circles make up the biggest attraction in town. With a population of around 4.500 inhabitants the small locality is usually forgotten deep in the forests of Småland in southern Sweden – or is it? Even with such a small population, the locality has around 600 registered companies. The largest of these companies is Trioplast with a few hundred employees locally and around 1.000 in total. Apparently (and according to Wikipedia) this is the home of several successful tennis players as well. Who would have known?

The small town is a part of Gislaved Municipality in Jönköping County.

A Short History of Smålandsstenar

People have been living in the area around Smålandsstenar for thousands of years. This is especially evident with all the ancient remnants that can be found in the area. These remnants include, for example, the stone circles that have given the locality its name.

The railway station was opened in 1877 and the locality has since grown its industrial importance. Today there are several notable companies that have production in Smålandsstenar.

Three Things to Do In Smålandsstenar

There are a few historical sights in Smålandsstenar as well as the possibility to enjoy nature.

Domarringarna Smålandsstenar

Close to the center of the locality, you will find five stone circles. Smålandsstenar, the stones of Småland, have given the locality has received its name. The stone circles are actually graves. They are believed to be around 2500 years old and thus date as far back as the Iron Age.

Villstad Hembygdspark

Just next to the stone circles of Smålandsstenar lies Villstad Hembygdspark. This is a small park showing the local history. This is one of the oldest parks in Sweden and there are in total 7 buildings. For example, the building that once housed the hayloft, from 1778.


This is a walking path of around 8 kilometers along the river Nissan. The path will take you from Smålandsstenar to the neighboring locality of Skeppshult. The river Nissan is a 200 km long river in southwestern Sweden. An old trade route used to run along the river.

Going to Smålandsstenar?

Do you want to travel to Smålandsstenar? Here are a few ways you can go there:

  • Car: There are multiple smaller roads connecting Smålandsstenar with other major roads in the region. It lies along road 26, which connects the locality with Gislaved and Jönköping in the north and Halmstad in the south.
  • Bus: There are local buses connecting the locality with other places in the region.
  • Train: There are two train lines connecting Smålandsstenar with the rest of the region. It is Jönköping-Värnamo-Halmstad and Nässjö-Värnamo-Halmstad.
  • Flights: There is no major airport close to the locality, but the airports in both Gothenburg and Malmö/Copenhagen are within relatively easy reach. 

The driving distance from 5 major Swedish cities, according to Google Maps:

Stockholm – 416 kilometers (4 h 31 min)
Gothenburg – 148 kilometers (1 h 47 min)
Malmö – 204 kilometers (2 h 20 min)
Luleå – 1.316 kilometers (14 h 48 min)
Linköping – 223 kilometers (2 h 28 min)

Find out more about other destinations in Sweden by visiting our page Exploring Sweden

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