Sjöfararkapellet, Mariehamn, Sights on Åland

Sjöfararkapellet – Sights on Åland

Sjöfararkapellet is a chapel along the waterfront in the eastern part of the city of Mariehamn on the Åland Islands. It offers a picturesque scenery with the bay Slemmern in the background. It is a part of the maritime neighborhood of Sjökvarteret, known for its shipbuilding traditions.


Sjöfararkapellet was built in 2008 by volunteers. It’s part of the maritime traditions of the Åland Islands where chapels like this one were common along the naval trade routes. They usually offered both a space for faith as well as protection for seafarers. The fairly new chapel in Mariehamn is used for private events such as weddings, but it is usually possible to walk out to the small white wooden building to enjoy the view.

Find Your Way

Sjöfararkapellet lies in the maritime neighborhood Sjökvarteret, along the eastern shores of the city of Mariehamn. The chapel is just a short walk through Sjökvarteret if you park at the parking lots along the road Österleden.

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