Mariehamn Water Tower, Sights on Åland

Mariehamn Water Tower – Sights on Åland

The Mariehamn Water Tower is located on a hill called Badhusberget with a height of around 40 meters above the sea. The hill offers a view over the Sea of Åland as well as the town of Mariehamn. Small paths connect the water tower and its hill with the park Badhusparken at the steps of the hill.

Badhusberget used to be the main tourist spot in Mariehamn as the park beneath it housed a public bath, a restaurant, and the island’s first tennis court. Paths lead down to the park, the ship Pommern as well as the harbor.

Mariehamn Water Tower

Mariehamn Water Tower was designed by the architect K.R. Lindgren and was built in 1956. Åland Vatten owns the tower and it is not open to the public. However, that is not the case with the area around the water tower. In fact, it is a popular spot for anyone looking for a good view of the town. It is also a great place to watch the large cruise ships enter the Western Harbor, Västra hamnen in Swedish. Just a quick reminder, street and place names are in Swedish on the Åland Islands even though the region belongs to Finland.

The ferries make an impressive sight especially when the ships on the Stockholm-Turku line come in. Both Viking Line and Tallink have two of their ships on the route entering the harbor at the same time. The reason for this is that passengers on a day cruise can switch boats and return to the place they come from. Both shipping companies use this method and it is a lot happening in the harbor in the early afternoon when first Viking Line’s ships and later Tallink’s arrive and depart.

Finding Your Way?

The road to the water tower is marked with “Utsiktsplats“, Swedish for viewpoint. It is on the street Neptunigatan close to the center of Mariehamn.

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