Vienna, Austria, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sightseeing in two capitals

Bratislava and Vienna – Two Capitals in One Day

I really enjoyed visiting Slovakia this time. It was a bit sad that Susann wasn’t able to join, but spending time with my brother from time to time is nice too. One of the highlights of the trip was the chance to see so many new places that I had not visited while living in Slovakia. The last day of the trip was Monday and my brother went back to work in the morning. For me, I had the whole day before a late flight back home from Vienna. With so much time on my hands, I couldn’t resist also exploring Vienna. It turned out to be a day of sightseeing in two capitals.

Sightseeing in Two Capitals: Bratislava, Slovakia

It did take me some time before I got up in the morning. Enjoying the fact that I didn’t need to wake up early to go to work probably caused me to get up even later than I first had thought. Instead, I dropped off the keys to my brother at his office around 11.

Before heading to Vienna, I decided to walk around in the old town in Bratislava to take some photos for upcoming posts. So that we have a few photos to use for our posts about Sights in Bratislava. So, you have been warned: there are more of those coming.

I walked along Obchodná street to get to the old town. Obchodná is one of the main streets in the city, by the way. There really are a lot of memories coming back from the time when Susann and I lived in Bratislava. The walk continued to the main square – Hlavné námestie – and onwards to Hviezdoslavovo námestie. Well, to mention a few of the sights on the way, there were old buildings, squares, and the chance of greeting Napoleon’s soldier. This is a statue that usually attracts the attention of many tourists. This time I was actually lucky enough to get a photo of it without a lot of people around.

I ended it with some fast food across the Danube River at the AuPark shopping center. This is quite close to one of the stops where the buses to Vienna stop.

Sightseeing in Two Capitals: Vienna, Austria

Eventually, it was time to hop on the bus to the second capital. Vienna is a city famous for its history and culture. The best part is that it’s only about an hour away from Bratislava. I took the bus that we usually take when going to and from the airport. The operator, Student Agency, has buses connecting the two cities and it costs up to 5 euros for a one-way ticket. After a short stop at Vienna airport, the bus finally arrived at the Bus terminal Wien Stadion Center. This is outside the center, but there is a metro station connecting the bus terminal with the center.

My first plan was to go to the zoo, but I eventually decided against it due to lack of time. Instead, I spent the time enjoying the nice weather and some of the amazing buildings in Vienna. How about the Votivkirche, the Rathausplatz, the Parliament, the Maria-Theresien-Platz, the Neue Burg and the Hofburg within just a short walk. All I can say is that Vienna really has a lot to offer, even though it is eventually hard to distinguish the buildings from one another.

Time to Go Home!

After a few hours of walking, I ended up at Wien Mitte. This is one of the places where you can catch a train to the airport. At the airport, I took my time to explore terminal 1 instead of only terminal 3 which we have always flown from previously. So instead of the McDonald’s in terminal 3 that we usually end up at when waiting, I found a Burger King in Terminal 1. At least something new this time.

An hour before departure I decided that it was time to go. No point to spend the last minutes sitting at a fast-food restaurant. I was really surprised about the security check. It is hard to know where to go when there are no other travelers going through. All 5 or 6 open lines were empty. Security was a lot quicker than I had expected. All in all, I ended the visit to my brother in Bratislava with sightseeing in two capitals.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hannah

    Great post, makes me very nostalgic as I lived in Vienna over the summer and spent a day in Bratislava while over there! 🙂 I’m not sure this is 100% accurate but I read on a travel blog before visiting Bratislava myself that those cute little statues around the city were built in the Communist era to cheer people up during the times haha.

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