Obchodná, Bratislava, Slovakia

Obchodná – Sights in Bratislava

Obchodná or Obchodná ulica is one of the main pedestrian streets in Bratislava. If you visit the city, you will probably find yourself on this street at some point. The street is on the edge of the old core of the city, Staré mesto. It starts at Michael’s Gate and leads all the way to Kollárovo námestie. The name of the street, Obchodná ulica, means something along the lines of Business Street in English.

Several bars, restaurants, smaller shops, as well as a few options for accommodation, stand side by side. A couple of bookstores attract book lovers. However, not all places worth a visit are so visible. Keep your eyes open for hidden wine cellars and anonymous pizzerias! Our tip: if you find that wine cellar, try the local cheese nakladaný encián together with some Slovak wine. For some tourists, this is the furthest away from the old town that they dare to go. For others, this is where the adventure begins.

The buildings along the street are a mix of buildings from the 18th century and all the way to today. The street was previously known by the name Schöndorfská ulica during the time of the first Czechoslovak republic.

If you are traveling further away from the center, then Obchodná is also a perfect place to catch the tram. Two stops lie along the street, both Poštová and Vysoká. This is also the easiest way to go to Obchodná, take the tram to one of these two stops.

Obchodná: How to Get There?

As mentioned, the easiest way to get to Obchodná is to take the tram to one of the stops Poštová or Vysoká. Otherwise, you can also easily get to the street by walking there from the old town. It only takes a couple of minutes. The street starts after Michael’s Gate.

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