Road to Rome, Last Day in Italy, Frascati

Last Day in Italy, For Now – The Road to Rome 2018

Eventually, like most things in life, all trips come to an end. It was time for our last day in Italy. After five weeks away from home – four in Athens and almost one in Rome – it was actually a nice feeling to get back home. The days in Frascati was a nice addition to the month in Athens. We had a few days to rest and relax before going home. Well, it was a bit more relaxing than usual when we are away traveling.

Last Day in Italy – Early Morning to the Airport

We had not much time for any adventures during our last day in Italy. Our flight to Stockholm-Skavsta (NYO) was leaving from Rome Ciampino (CIA) already at 7 am. This meant that we needed to leave the hotel in the middle of the night. The only one not minding that was Little A. We had her dressed for leaving already when going to bed and I don’t think she even noticed when we carried her to the taxi. It wasn’t until at the airport that she woke up and got something to eat from the breakfast bags we got from the hotel.

Early morning at Rome Ciampino Airport was, however, not a pleasant experience. In fact, I don’t think it never is a nice airport, as it felt like a warehouse. The airport was crammed with passengers and there was just no space for Little A to stretch her legs. Even coffee was a challenge as the attempt for a queue was mixed up with the rest of the passengers.

Fortunately, we didn’t have to wait long until it was time to board the plane and head back home. 

Final Thoughts on Rome

As it turned out, this wasn’t our last day in Italy. In September, we would spend a few days in Pisa, Florence, Milan, and Bergamo. However, I’d love to go back to Rome someday. Here are some of my thoughts concerning the Italian capital. 

  • People were not as rude as the rumor has it. Actually, most people were really friendly and helpful. 
  • We still have so much to see in Rome: all those ancient sights, as well as some parts of the city. I hear Trastevere is supposed to be really nice! In any case, we should visit some time of the year when the tourists are somewhere else!
  •  It was a great idea to stay outside central Rome. Frascati was a gem – even though we had a big city nearby, we could relax and enjoy the small-town atmosphere. It was probably a good idea from a purely economic point of view as well!

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