Reading challenge 2017, Reading list for November

Reading List for November 2017 – What I Read

It’s time to take a look at the reading list for November. All in all, it was a hectic month, but I’m happy to say that I found some time for reading. I have also had time to think about a new reading challenge for next year. Stay tuned to read more about that challenge. Now, however, let’s continue with the books I read in November.

Reading List for November

🇫🇮 Petra Delicado ja kodittomat (original title in Spanish Un barco cargado de arroz) by Alicia Gimenez Bartlett

This is a detective novel set in Barcelona. This is one of those novels that entertain for a while but don’t give the reader much of substance. However, I must admit that it might be because of the translation as well. I didn’t connect with the main characters at all.

🇸🇪 Vad heter ångest på spanska? is the debut novel by Michaela von Kügelgen

It is the story about Erika, a 25-year-old graduate who escapes to Ecuador when life gets complicated. The title of the novel is quite fitting – in English it’d be something along the lines with What’s anxiety called in Spanish? Well, what can I say? I really would have liked to like this book, as the writer seems really sympathetic (I read her blog). In many ways, I did enjoy the story. However, I thought it wasn’t deep or dark enough. Maybe that’s just me, though? But let me tell you, I really loved the cover of this book.

🇸🇪 Livet börjar på fredag (Viata Începe Vineri)  by Ioana Pârvulescu

The first Romanian novel I have ever read has a great title. Life Begins on Friday. And now I really would like to visit the country. The story is set in Bucharest in the last days of 1897. There are a lot of things going on, but at the same time, nothing much happens in the novel. However, the characters are interesting and I felt like I was right there with them, counting the last days of 1897.

🇸🇪  Neuroledarskap by Katarina Gospic and Stefan Falk

I managed to squeeze in a bit of non-fiction to my reading list for November. Basically, it is about neuro leadership and how to remember the brain (and how people behave) when being a manager. Even though I’m not a manager, I enjoyed this book. There were some really good tips and I found a lot of inspiration for my own job.

Reading challenge 2017, Reading list for November


What was on your reading list for November? Which book was particularly good? And which one do you recommend?

Reading challenge 2017, Reading list for November

The goal for December is to finish all the books I have started reading this year. There are quite a few of those!

In January, I decided to read 52 books in 2017. 66 books later, I can say that it has been a lot of fun. You can read more about the challenge here!

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