Reading list May 2017

Reading List: The Books I Read in May 2017

Hello, friends! I can’t believe that May is almost over and June is already knocking on our door. This month I did not read quite as many books as I would have liked to. However, it was still the best month of my life as we welcomed our little A. Apart from that, we have enjoyed a very sunny month here in Stockholm. I’m so happy that it’s summer, my favorite season of the year.

But, let’s get on with it and talk books. As you might remember, my goal is to read 52 books this year. This far, I have read 42 pieces. In other words, it shouldn’t be an impossible task to complete this challenge by December.

May Reading List

At the time that I had finished the four first books of May, I noticed that they had one common denominator. La bella Italia! It’s quite strange that I have so many books about Italy on my shelves. As a side note, Italy tempts me at the moment. Maybe that’s what books do to you. They open the world to you.

Here are the books I read in May 2017.

  1. 🇸🇪 Andrea Camilleri: Krukmakarens åker (The Potter’s Field/Il campo del vasaio)
  2. 🇸🇪 Jhumpa Lahiri: Med andra ord (In Other Words/In altre parole)
  3. 🇫🇮 Graham Moore: Kuolema Sherlock-seurassa (The Sherlockian / The Holmes Affair)
  4. 🇸🇪 Lucretia Grindle: Döden i Florens (The Faces of Angels)
  5. 🇸🇪 Jojo Moyes: Toner i natten (Night Music)
  6. 🇬🇧 Eduardo Sacheri: The Secret in Their Eyes (La pregunta de sus ojos)
  7. 🇸🇪 Jane Austen: Övertalning (Persuasion)
  8. 🇸🇪 Donna Leon: Dödlig bekantskap (About Face)

So, too many books in Swedish is my opinion. And no “proper” non-fiction. I very much enjoyed Lahiri’s In Other Words, in which she explores her relationship to the Italian language. What’s really impressive is that she wrote the book in Italian, a language she has acquired as an adult. Persuasion is probably my favorite among Jane Austen’s book and The Secret in Their Eyes paints a fascinating tale about Buenos Aires in the 1960s and 1970s. These books I recommend strongly! The others are OK if you want to pass the time!

Reading list May 2017 Reading list May 2017 Reading list May 2017

What did you read in May?

 A Few Words About Reading

Now that we have a little person brightening our days and lives, I cannot avoid writing a few words about reading. I really hope that she will find a lot of joy and comfort in the written word when she gets a little older. As I mentioned above, books give access to new worlds and realities, as well as to a lot of knowledge. If I look back at my own childhood, the thing that I remember the most is how my mother used to buy me a lot of books. She worked as a cleaner and one of the shops she cleaned at night was a bookstore. She’d buy me books at night and they’d be waiting for me at the kitchen table in the morning. In other words, the love of reading is something I hope to pass on as well.

reading, books, reading list may 2017, quotes reading, books, reading list may 2017, quotes reading, books, reading list may 2017, quotes

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