Raw Lime & Matcha Pie

Raw Lime & Matcha Pie

  • Post author:
  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:2016-07-06
  • Post category:English / Food
  • Post comments:3 Comments

Do you know the key to keeping your colleagues happy? You bake them a pie, a raw one with lime and matcha. As is the case with most things in life, there’s a source of original inspiration to this fabulous dessert (or snack, however you like to look at it). The Minimalist Baker has truly fabulous recipes for both vegan key lime pie and a 2-ingredient crust. I added some ideas of my own and here is the result: a very green raw lime and matcha pie with blueberries on top. It’s a perfectly tart treat on a Wednesday.

Raw Lime & Matcha Pie: Ingredients & Instructions

The absolutely best part of this dessert is that it’s so simple to make. I usually fail miserably at all types of baking. Not this time.

For approximately 10 servings you will need the following ingredients.

Step 1: Crust

  • 200 g (1 cup) dates
  • 2 dl (1 cup) ground almond

Raw Lime & Matcha Pie Raw Lime & Matcha Pie

Mix the dates and the ground in a food processor until it becomes a sticky ball. Mine was a bit too sticky, so I added a tablespoon of coconut oil and a couple of tablespoons of lime juice to the mix. Press down the crust into a baking tin (I used a spoon for pressing it down). Cover the tin with crust, then put it in the freezer.

Step 2: Filling

  • 2 dl (1 cup) ground almond
  • 1,5 dl (3/4 cup) full-fat coconut milk
  • 0,5 dl (1/4) melted coconut oil
  • 1 dl (1/2 cup) ecological lime juice
  • Honey
  • Matcha powder
  • Blueberries

Raw Lime & Matcha PieRaw Lime & Matcha Pie

Mix all the ingredients except the blueberries in a mixer until you get a smooth green filling. Pour the mix on the cold crust, use a spoon to flatten. Place the blueberries on top of the pie.

I left the pie in the freezer overnight. Serve it cold and you have a pie that is refreshingly smooth and tart to look forward to. The preparation time is a mere 20-30 minutes.

Raw Lime & Matcha Pie

The pie was a success. Next time, however, I will make it in a muffin tin instead. Or at least make sure the cake tin is turned the right way, this time it was upside down.

Happy Cooking!



This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. FabioRosado

    Hmmm…. that looks incredible!
    I have to try and make it at home and see how it tastes, I’m sure it will be amazing! Thank you for sharing this recipe with us 😀

    1. Susann

      You should! Tell us how it turned out 🙂

  2. jajajapan

    I looove matcha! Will try this out very soon! That pie looks delish 🙂

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