My Paternity Leave, Day trip to Trosa

Trosa, Sweden – A Day Trip during My Paternity Leave

It is the second week of my paternity leave here in Sweden and I’m looking for fun trips to take our Little A on. There are of course several options within a short ride of our home here in Stockholm. Well, in my opinion, the destinations need to have a purpose. That purpose was today to visit my grandparents and Little A’s grand grandparents.

My Paternity Leave so Far

As mentioned this weekend, my paternity leave so far has been really nice and calm. Little A has so far just barely noticed that her mother has left for work in the morning. Yes, she is really happy to see her again in the evening. But there have been no signs of abstinence during the day. Which I’m really happy about, of course.

A Day Trip to Trosa

So today Little A and I drove south to the town of Trosa. That is just about an hour from where we live. In Trosa we visited my grandparents. They were more than happy to see Little A and Little A was more than happy to show off what she had learned recently. Especially the part about standing up by herself.

Eating food cooked by my grandmother sure also brings back memories of my childhood. Little A had to be happy with some mashed potatoes, but that went down as well.

After lunch, it was time to try to get Little A to rest. We took a walk to the center of Trosa. The sky was gray today, but it was still nice to walk as the weather was favorable. Favorable in the way that the wind was weak and it was not raining or snowing. It was still, however, quite cold.

The center of Trosa during a normal weekday this time of the year is quite empty. It is still a few months before life will really return. This also means that it is easier to enjoy the town, together with the few people that had no need to be at work at that time of the day. Well, not so many that is.

A Short Stop in Vagnhärad

On our way back home Little A and I made a short stop in Vagnhärad to see my parents, We enjoyed dinner with my father before my mother had the opportunity to play around a bit with Little A. This really turned out to be a day with good food and a really happy Little A. She has been all smiles the whole day and even the drive was easy. Well, she slept both the hour to Trosa and the hour it took to get back home. Which was perfect in my opinion.

We will see where we go next. Little A will have several adventures in the coming weeks.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Martina Korkmaz

    Congragulations Jasper 🙂 What a new adventure. All the best to both you and your partner.

    1. Jesper

      Thank you Martina, it sure is an adventure 🙂

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