My Paternity Leave, Snowed In, Kista, Ärvinge, Snow, Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden – Snowed In during My Paternity Leave

The real winter has finally arrived in Kista and Stockholm. Snow has been falling and we have basically been snowed in. That means that we have had to stay indoors most of the time – at least some of us, Susann still needs to go to work Well, I have actually caught a cold and haven’t minded staying indoors. Little A has, however, been a bit bored. The week has not been what we have expected, that is for sure.

Snowed In

So the snow has been falling for several days now. It started during the weekend and has continued to and from until this morning. The temperature has been staying below -10 degrees Celsius and I would estimate that we now have more than 20-30 centimeters of snow outside. Well, it might not be so much compared with other places, but it rarely snows this much when it is still this cold. At least here in Stockholm.

In other words, there have been two factors preventing us from going out. First, is the snow, which makes it quite hard to get around. Secondly, the cold. It has just been too cold for Little A to spend time outdoors. It’s quite sad, as it would have been great days to go out with the sled.

Our week so far has been consisting of me trying to cure my cold and Little A looking out through the window admiring the snow. It’s quite difficult to have a cold and try to keep an eye on Little A all the time.

Little A’s Adventures Indoors

Little A has had a lot of time this week to learn things. There are especially two things that stand out. First of all, we spend most of the time in the living room. Separating the living room and the kitchen is a glass window and next to it a sliding door. So, I can run to the kitchen while still seeing Little A through the window. She has for weeks been really annoyed with that door closing. It must have something to do with the fact that the grass is always greener on the other side. What she now did was to find a way to open the door. She was standing holding the door. I could first see her little fingers peeping through the small opening, Then she started to push so that the door started to slide. You should have seen the smile on her face once she was able to stick her head through the door opening.

The second thing she has learned is a bit more pleasant for Susann and me. She has in the last weeks been pinching us quite a lot. Not to mention that she tends to push her nails when she is touching us in any way. It’s probably her way of exploring our noses, hands, etc. We have now taught her to stroke instead, without the nails. No need to mention that it is not so nice to wake up to someone pinching your back or burying the nails in your cheeks. She seems to have stopped with that for the time being at least.

Now it is just to hope that the temperature goes up a little bit and that I get rid of my cold. Then it should be possible to let Little A explore the winter wonderland outside the window. At least she got a small glimpse of it today during a short 5-minute walk outside. So hopefully we will not be snowed in for much longer.

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