Klövsjö, Jämtland, Exploring Sweden

Klövsjö, Jämtland – Exploring Sweden

A traditional mountain village with alpine ski resorts around the corner? That is what you will find in Klövsjö, in southern Jämtland. The reindeer might walk along the road, the snow might be deep, the water might be warm enough for a swim, who knows what you will encounter?

A Short History of Klövsjö

Klövsjö existed already in the Middle Ages and did originally include 14 farmsteads. One of these was Tomtangården, which is today the local heritage museum.

Klövsjö, as well as the rest of Jämtland, became Swedish after the peace treaty of Brömsebro in 1645. Klövsjö paid for its share during these troublesome times, by upkeeping several soldiers.

During the years 1887 to 1923, around 400 people emigrated to America from Klövsjö. The first known emigrant left already in 1869 by applying for a Canadian passport in Östersund.

Things to Do and See

The whole area around Klövsjö comes to life in winter. The winter resorts in this part of Sweden are plenty and they do not only operate during wintertime. Summer might be low season, but there is still a lot going on.

Hembygdsgården Tomtan

Tomtan is the local heritage museum. Here you will find a café, tourist information as well as buildings dating back to the 1600s. Explore typical farmsteads from Jämtland and learn more about the life of the past.


Klövsjöfjällen is the mountains located on the other side of the lake Klövsjön. Here you can hike or mountain bike during the summer or ski during the winter. There are two alpine ski resorts located here, Klövsjöfjäll and Storhogna. There are also a few more resorts in neighboring Vemdalen.


Fettjeåfallet is a waterfall near Klövsjö. With a height of around 60 meters, it is a popular hiking destination, as it will be a few kilometers back and forth.

How to get to Klövsjö

  • Flights: Closest airports are Härjedalen Sveg Airport (EVG) located 92 km away and Åre Östersund Airport (OSD) located 101 km away. They both connect the area with the Stockholm-Arlanda Airport (ARN) for connections around the globe.
  • Car: Klövsjö is located close to the E45 between Östersund and Sveg.
  • Train: Closest train station is Röjan station, located 14 km away.
  • Bus: There are regional buses connecting Klövsjö with the surrounding area.

The driving distance from 5 major Swedish cities, according to Google Maps:

  • Stockholm – 473 kilometers (5 h 24 min)
  • Gothenburg – 701 kilometers (8 h 41 min)
  • Malmö – 939 kilometers (11 h 6 min)
  • Linköping – 668 kilometers (7 h 26 min)
  • Kiruna – 903 kilometers (11 h 6 min)

Find out more about other destinations in Sweden by visiting our page Exploring Sweden

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. This looks like such a charming town. And who wouldn’t love spotting reindeers!? It’s hard to believe that the water might be warm enough for a swim given how late the snow seems to last in Sweden!!

    1. Jesper

      Luckily we do have a summer (in most parts of the country). It is mainly in the far north and in the mountains that the snow and winter tend to stay a bit longer. Then it all depends on how warm you want the water to get prior to taking a swim. 🙂

  2. London Caller

    I have only been to Finland once.
    Would definitely love to see Sweden one day.

    I used to exchange stamps via post with a Finnish stamp collector.
    She would sometimes sent me some stamps from Aland.
    That was the first time I heard about that little Swedish-speaking island that actually belongs to Finland.

    I also used to have another Swedish pen pal, she sent me a little wooden horse craft and a traditional Swedish butter knife made of wood.
    Wow, that was like some 20 odd years ago. When I was still studying in my home country, Malaysia.
    There you go, that’s when I had my earliest cultural exposures from Sverige and Suomi. 🙂

    1. Jesper

      I hope you get to go here one day, there are for sure a lot to see and especially once you get out of the bigger cities. 🙂

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