Järna, Södermanland, Exploring Sweden

Järna, Södermanland – Exploring Sweden

Järna is a locality in the southern parts of Stockholm County and many consider it a suburb of Södertälje. There are around 6.200 people calling this place their home, which is similar to the population peak reached in the 1970s.

Mostly surrounded by countryside, farming is still an important part of production in the area. This is especially showcased by the large tower of Saltå Kvarn that is visible to anyone driving along highway E4.

A Short History of Järna

Järna has for a long time been divided into two parishes: Ytterjärna and Överjärna. These parishes were established already during the Middle Ages. Järna’s inhabitants did for centuries focus on farming, transport, and accommodating sailors.

Iron ore was found in the area in the 17th century, which resulted in the establishment of several mines that were active until the 1940s. The mines were the area’s largest employer during most of the 19th century. In addition, several sawmills and brickyards were also established. The railroad came to Järna in 1862, resulting in the growth of a central community.

The anthroposophy movement established itself in Järna during the 1930s. The movement has impacted their surroundings. Järna is since known for being one of few places in Sweden with local outbreaks of measles and rubella.

Things to Do and See in Järna

There is a limited number of sights in the center of Järna. However, the sights can still be considered important for the development of the locality. Here you can find the Överjärna Church dating back to the 12th century as well as Järna Station which opened in 1861 and today is a stop for commuter trains between Gnesta and Södertälje. Except for these, there are several culturally important buildings and remains in the many nature reserves around Järna.

Moraåns Dalgång Nature Reserve

Along the valley of the river Moraån is a 68-hectare large nature reserve. The reserve protects a for Järna important natural and cultural area and covers both forests and grazed fields. Over a hundred ancient remains have been registered within the reserve and the white-tailed eagle is known to wander up along the river from the sea.

Vattgruvmossen Nature Reserve

Vattgruvmossen Nature Reserve covers an area of 74 hectares its name comes from the old water-filled mines. This is where the iron ore mines were located. The reserve is around 6 kilometers to the west of Järna. The area is made up of a bog surrounded by forests.

Lake Simsjön

The name can be translated to the lake for swimming, but there are no beaches to be found here. This lake was recreated at the beginning of the 21st century. It had in 1925 been drained to make space for agriculture but is now once more a popular spot for birds and birdwatchers. For the ones looking for a better view, there is a watchtower at the lake’s western shores.


Pilkrogsviken, or the Bay of Pilkrog, is to the east of Järna. It is an open landscape with fields grazed by cattle. A watchtower offers a view out over the bay for anyone looking for birds.

Farstanäs Nature Reserve

Farstanäs Nature Reserve is an area owned by Södertälje Municipality and located to the east of Järna. Here you will find Farstanäs Camping as well as the beach Farstanäsbadet. It covers an area of 383 hectares and includes the estate Farsta Säteri, with buildings dating back to the 18th century.

Kulturhuset i Ytterjärna

The House of Culture in Ytterjärna is probably one of the area’s most distinct buildings with its modern architecture. It houses space for conferences, theatre, and offices. It is a part of the anthroposophy movement in Järna and acts as their cultural center.

How to get to Järna

  • Flights: The closest airport is Stockholm Skavsta Airport (NYO) 62 kilometers away. It offers international flights to Europe. Sweden’s main airport, Stockholm Arlanda Airport (ARN), is located 88 kilometers away for more national and international flight options.
  • Car: Järna is located along E4 between Södertälje and Vagnhärad.
  • Train: Commuter trains between Gnesta and Södertälje stops in Järna.
  • Bus: Regional buses connect Järna with the surrounding region.

The driving distance from 5 major Swedish cities, according to Google Maps:

  • Stockholm – 47 kilometers (40 min)
  • Gothenburg – 425 kilometers (4 h 38 min)
  • Malmö – 569 kilometers (6 h)
  • Linköping – 156 kilometers (1 h 40 min)
  • Kiruna – 1280 kilometers (14 h 36 min)

Explore More of Södermanland and Sweden

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jag

    Jag fick leta runt på nätet ett tag innan jag begrep att det som hette Rudolf Steiner-seminariet nu är så gott som nedlagt och att det nu heter Kulturhuset. Gjorde ett studiebesök där för evigheter sedan och imponerades av den mycket speciella arkitekturen, skönheten och lugnet.

    1. Jesper

      Jag visste faktiskt inte att det hade haft ett annat namn tidigare. Vi har faktiskt inte besökt själva Kulturhuset, men det är svårt att inte lägga märket till byggnaden när man passerar. Arkitekturen sticker ju verkligen ut i jämförelse med något annat som man kan hitta inom forna Öknebo härad, eller Södermanland för den delen.

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