
The Year That Was: Our Moments Abroad

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  • Reading time:6 mins read
  • Post last modified:2017-07-09
  • Post category:English / Travel
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One year ago we stood in a beautiful room in the Town Hall of Stockholm. On that hot day, we got married. And wow, what a year it has been! We have spent quite a bit of time abroad. I remember a notebook I had as a teenager, on the cover, there was the following quote by Jane Austen:

“If adventures will not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad.”

This is a topic that is very close to my heart and I just love diving into our archives, looking for snapshots from our adventures. At the moment I like it even more than usual. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I haven’t been to any foreign lands since January, Anyway, I decided to share a lot of photos today, from the past year. I decided to include Georgia because it was such a great trip in June last year! Looking back at all our moments together is such a great way to cherish both the present and the past.

I hope you enjoy these snapshots from around the world as much as I do.

Let’s go abroad!


We traveled quite extensively in 2016 and Georgia was definitely one of the highlights. I think that we both agree that it was a great holiday. This small country in the Caucasus offers good food, amazing nature, friendly people, and a lot of attractions. We recommend it!

Tbilisi, Georgia Kazbegi, Georgia, Sakartvelo

Georgia and Tbilisi


Hungary was the first country we visited as a couple. In other words, it’s a special place for us. In any case, I very much like the country and its language, and I don’t think that Jesper minds going there.


Lake Como, Brescia, and Verona – those were the destinations of our first honeymoon. Instead of Romeo and Juliet, we focused on the gelato. I love gelato. We also climbed some hills – that’s what Jesper likes to do. Well, we did squeeze in a boat ride on Lake Como, though. That was a treat!

Brecia, Italia


In order to keep life interesting, we have a second quick fix for whenever we want to abroad. Latvia is just as charming as Estonia. And we like it there a lot. Actually, we have been talking about a road trip through the Baltic countries. The last time we were in Latvia was January 2017.

Three Brothers, Trīs brāļi, Riga, Latvia, 2017


Namibia was a part of our honeymoon number two, the longer edition. I think we were both amazed by this country – even though we drove a lot, we didn’t have time to see much. One day we should return to see the coast and the dunes.

Plains zebra, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Christ Church, Christuskirche, Windhoek, Namibia


Qatar is one of those countries I feel ambiguous about. But, as we had the chance to spend a few hours in Doha, we had to grab it. The food was tasty and the sun was very hot. Otherwise, the whole city felt awfully empty – maybe because of the sun?

Jesper and Susann, Doha, Qatar


We met, fell in love, and got engaged in Bratislava. So, no wonder that Slovakia is a very special country for us. I have a constant desire (albeit a little one) to go to Bratislava. We have written quite a bit about our adventures in Slovakia.

Bratislava Castle

South Africa

South Africa is a country of great contrasts. Even though we spent a fair amount of time there in fall 2016, we still have plenty to see. My absolute favorite place was probably the Botanical Garden in Cape Town.

Jesper, Susann, Cape of Good, Kaap Die Goeie Hoop, South Africa

Kirstenbosch botaniske hage, Kappstaden, Sør-Afrika, Table Mountains


Sweden isn’t exactly abroad – anymore. But once upon a time, it was. Nowadays we just try to see as much as possible in our home country.Actually, I became a Swedish citizen this spring, so it was another of this year’s big things.

Mjukglass, Soft Ice Cream, Trosa, Sweden

United Kingdom

The nice thing about visiting Manchester and London was that we had the chance to spend time with friends. The UK is also such a melting pot – for better and worse – that it has a very special character. Who knows what it will be like the next time we visit?

London, England, United Kingdom


Let’s hope for many more trips abroad!


In case you want to read more about our destinations, click on the countries at the top of this page.



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