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Weeks 10 and 11 – And We Talked About…

It’s time again for a summary of weeks 10 and 11. These weeks have been really eventful with travelling and other aspects of life. We are looking forward to a short week at work. We hope that you are enjoying this Sunday and that you will have a lovely and relaxing Easter week!

Facebook told me this morning that it’s officially the first day of spring today! And actually you could believe it, the snow is gone! However, spring does not start on a specific date in Sweden. The beginning of spring is based on meteorological measurements and one can rejoice that it’s spring once the daily average is rising. It must also be between  0 and 10 Centigrade. This week Jesper wrote about his spring feelings, don’t miss out on the beautiful photos from his walk around Stockholm!

Easter is the perfect time for travelling in Europe. Read about our Easter travel stories and practical tips here >> 

In case you are planning a trip to or within Europe, you should not forget about Hungary. Even though the capital, Budapest, is lovely, this lovely central-European country has so much more to offer.  We listed four reasons to love Hungary – check them out here!

In weeks 10 and 11 we gave some more tips. In case you want some inspiration for learning a foreign language, click here >>

Surprisingly enough we could not resist making a couple of trips. We talked a line or two about the perfect weekend getaway (from Stockholm) to Malmö and Copenhagen. Here is our story >> 

Speaking of travel writing, our series about South America is starting to come to an end. We have a couple of posts left. Last week we wrote about La Plata in Argentina. You find the most recent blog about our South America experience here >>

I like the phenomenon known as happiness. Not only is it a very positive feeling to be happy, but reading about it and musing over it is quite interesting as well. Read 3 happy thoughts here >>

And finally, here’s one final thought for week 12.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lena i Wales

    Det tog en stund tills jag förstod huvudrubriken. I UK använder vi inte veckonummer, så jag har ingen aning om vilket veckonummer det är. Vet du om andra länder använder veckonummer? Faktiskt ett bra system i Sverige för att veta var i året man är.
    Ha en bra dag!

    1. Susann

      Hej Lena!
      Jag tror att det bara är i Sverige – kanske möjligen Finland också men jag levde lyckligt ovetande om systemet innan jag flyttade hit 🙂

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