Two Oceans Aquarium, Cape Town, South Africa

Two Oceans Aquarium, South Africa – Southern Africa: Part XIII

We left the Cape Town Blue Mini Peninsula Tour at the V&A Waterfront. It was soon time to relax with a nice dinner at one of the seafood restaurants that we had found the previous night. But before that, we decided to see some sea creatures as well. Until now we had mainly seen animals in Namibia and plants in South Africa. Consequently, we wanted to give the Two Oceans Aquarium a visit. It was conveniently located at the V&A Waterfront, so we did not need to walk far from the bus stop.

Two Oceans Aquarium

We entered the Two Oceans Aquarium in the afternoon and it was not so crowded. Actually, we did not spend too much time learning what it was we actually saw. What we did do was to admire all the colors and shapes of the fish in the aquarium.

Walking around between all the tanks in an aquarium is sometimes quite relaxing. The fish really do not have a rush anywhere. Maybe it’s because of a lack of places to go – but it does create a tranquil atmosphere nonetheless. It would probably have been possible to stand and watch some of these fish for hours.

But there was not only fish to see. Susann finally had a possibility to see some penguins. Oh, the joy! Even though the wild penguins the next day would be a bigger deal, the Two Oceans Aquarium actually had two different species of penguin. On our way our we also passed by a huge tank that contained some of the larger fish. Incredibly we stood there looking straight into the eye of one of the ugliest fishes we had ever seen. It is sometimes hard to imagine how big even the normal fish could become. There were no whales, larger sharks or dolphins in the aquarium.

Back at the V&A Waterfront

After the stop at the Two Oceans Aquarium we headed to the Victoria Wharf just a few hundred meters away. Here we had the previous evening noticed the restaurant Willoughby & Co. The first time around it was too crowded for us to get a table. We had decided to return this evening and hoped to have better luck. There was once more a lot of people, but we were able to get a seat at the sushi bar, which was more than interesting. Eventually Susann ordered a Japanese salad that turned out to be huge. It had a huge load of salmon, tuna and shrimps – just like in sushi, but with vegetables instead of rice. For myself, I decided to try the famous local Malay, together with pasta and today’s catch of fish. All there is to say is that we were everything except disappointed after the meal.

After dinner, our second day in Cape Town had come to an end and we were looking forward to the next morning when our taxi driver from the previous evening – Carlos – would pick us up for a tour around Cape Point.

Join Us in Exploring Southern Africa

Here are all the posts belonging to the series about our trip to South Africa and Namibia. Read the parts by clicking on the links below:

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